

SCA | Quick News | May 1, 2020

Joe Clark's New Book

Congrats to SCA instructor  (pictured above) on the release of his new book , which "examines the history of the newsreel and how it changed the way Americans saw the world," out now on .

Crocodile Tears a little longer

Although 'closed,' gallery in Vancouver has extended , a group show that features SCA MFA alumni Lucien Durey and Deborah Edmeades and a bunch of other great artists, to June 7, 2020, and they're willing to do COVID-19 special "no touch" viewings by appointment. Grab a mask and contact the gallery at info@unit17.org to book a time. But remember: no touching!

Dai's The Rex Project

Recent SCA alumni is launching something new on Monday, May 4, and he's looking for participants: "The Rex Project (work-in-progress) is an audio-play that takes place over 11 days." More info .

Playback Head

Listen to SCA MFA alumni 's new album, Playback Head, which grew out of his graduation work on Bandcamp .

Undergraduate Research Fellowship Award Winners

Three SCA students received Undergraduate Research Fellowship Awards from the : Jordan Zanni, Colin Williscroft, and Brett Palaschuk. Congratulations, everyone! Check out profiles and interviews with them (including video!) . And don't forget to check out the application process and eligibility for the Undergraduate Research Fellowship Award, which "aims to encourage and award outstanding students to pursue research in their field of student."
