
Image: Jeremy Jude Lee for The Georgia Straight.

SCA | Quick News | August 2, 2024

Mochizuki's Between Pictures in Powell Street

Here's The Georgia Straight on SCA alumnus , whose is screening as part of the on August 3 每 5 at the Firehall Arts Centre (280 E. Cordova St., Vancouver). Read it . Also at the Festival is a presentation of Anju Singh, Valerie Turner, and SCA alumnus 's , which opens August 2 from 5:00 PM 每 8:00 PM and runs to August 17 at (205 每 268 Keefer St, Vancouver).

Happy Pride weekend!

Like the sun, it seems like Pride celebrations set here on the West Coast. Check out the for details about a bunch of events, including the annual Pride Parade on August 4, as well as the for something more local if you're not in or around Vancouver. Also, for some important back story, listen to this great two-part set of podcast episodes from about the Stonewall rebellion / uprising / riots that began early on June 28, 1969, when the New York Police Department raided the Stonewall Inn and its LGBTQ+ clientele fought back. Listen .

Chambers at Mercer Union

The SCA's is performing at Mercer Union (1286 Bloor St. W., Toronto) on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 1:00 PM, presented as part of Mercer Union's fORUM program. More . Also, while you're at Mercer Union, make sure to check out SCA alumnus 's exhibition M, which runs to August 31, 2024. More .

A Walk to Meryton reviewed

The SCA's 's , produced with John Korsrud, Meredith Bates, Jon Bentley, SCA alumnus , and the musebots, is reviewed by Ren谷 van Peer in the print edition of Musicworks #148. More . Also, watch an excerpt of Eigenfeldt's in-development "in studio" video performance by Korsrud, Bentley, Meger, and the musebots .

Be our Social Media Ambassador

The Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, our institutional home base at 間眅埶AV, is hiring Social Media Ambassadors, including for us. Find out more HERE.

Veda Hille Sisterhood video

Here's a video of , which includes SCA alumnus  on "voice and sundry noisemakers," rehearsing for their show on September 14, 2024, at 8:00 PM at The Cultch's Historic Theatre (more ), with  as the opening act. Watch .

Youth Banner Making Workshop

SCA alumnus is holding a "Youth Banner Making Workshop" on August 1, 2024, from 1:00 PM 每 2:30 PM at Other Sights' Blue Cabin (4280 Bayview St, Richmond, BC), presented as part of Other SItes' Intertidal Kinning Festival. More .

Vascular Necrosis at Flying Start

According to , SCA alumni and Artistic Associate at Touchstone Theatre (dramaturg) and (playwright) have begun working on Wood's Vascular Necrosis as part of Touchstone Theatre's 2024/2026 Flying Start program. More .

Wallgrin at Green Auto

SCA alumnus is playing Green Auto (1822 Pandora St., Vancouver) on August 9, 2024, to celebrate the vinyl release of . Get tickets .

Stir on Nieto

Here*s Stir Vancouver on SCA alumnus , who*s performing as part of the at 7:20 PM on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, on Second Beach at St'i?t'ewek?w' / Stanley Park as part of the "Keep Giving; Cedars and Shells" event, presented in partnership with Neworld Theatre. Read it .

rice & beans' new site

Congratulations to rice & beans theatre, which has SCA alumni as Interim Artistic Director while SCA alumni and Artistic Director is on parental leave, on their sweet new website and also for their 15th anniversary! Check it out and their upcoming events and future plans .

Emancipation Day

Since March 24, 2021, August 1 officially marks , which, as the BC Black History Awareness Society reminds us, recognizes the "actual day in 1834 that the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 came into effect across the British Empire." Find out more .

SCA in the Fringe

Running September 5 每 15, 2024, the Vancouver Fringe's just-announced programming includes SCA alumnus 's , by (Ashley Whitehead and SCA alumnus ), and SCA alumnus 's . More .

strauss at SUM

SCA alumnus , SUM Gallery's first Artist-in-Residence, is participating in an Open House on Friday, August 9, 2024, from 5:00 PM 每 7:00 PM (RSVP ), and also running a QLab Basics for Creators workshop on Saturday, August 10, from 2:00 PM 每 4:00 PM (RSVP ), both at the SUM Gallery (#425 每 268 Keefer St., Vancouver). More .

Magdy in a cabin in the woods

SCA alumnus and  film festival creator / director  is a VIP Cabin Special Guest at the , which runs August 20 每 24, 2024, in and around Seattle. Also, if you're an emerging BIPOC filmmaker with an interest in horror, consider submitting a 60-seconds or shorter film to Horror in Seconds. More .

Ng on Music in My Eyes

The Art Gallery at the (1205 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam) shared another short interview video with SCA alumnus about his work , which is on the Centre's lobby windows until September, 2024, presented as part of the 2024 Capture Photography Festival Selected Exhibition Program. Watch it .

Jesuino's Slow Dance Project

As part of his grad work, SCA MFA student is seeking volunteers 每 self-identifying gay, bi, queer and/or trans-males between the ages of 19-99 living in Vancouver or surrounding communities 每 to participate in his Slow Dance Project, which is a "creative inquiry/study on male intimacy in public and private urban spaces." More .

Salesman in China at Stratford

SCA alumni and () are the Co-Projection Designers and SCA alumnus is the Lighting Designer for the world premiere of Leanna Brodie and Jovanni Sy*s Salesman in China at the Stratford Festival. More .

Suleman talks Notability

Here's the latest free, online event that's part of Centre A's 2024 Art Writing Mentorship, , which is facilitated by SCA alumnus , with SCA alumni  and as participants: Zool Suleman on "Notability: Contemporary Canadian South Asian cultural histories and notations" on Friday, August 9, 2024, from 2:00 PM 每 3:00 PM via Zoom. More .

Body of Water

SCA alumnus shared the video for Body of Water, which is the title track from his new album as Playback Head, on his Bandcamp page. Watch it .

Sunbleached Flowers

Listen to SCA student 's new single Sunbleached Flowers .

Bayati calling

SCA student Colleen Bayati has a casting call for World-Ender, a musical performance she's developing. Head to for more info and to message if this might be right for you.

Big City at Red Gate

, the duo of SCA alumnus and SCA PhD candidate , are playing with RAMZI and Simbi + The Witness on August 14, 2024, at Red Gate (1965 Main St., Vancouver). More .

On Vacation!

Quick News is taking a break for a little R&R. We'll see you back here on August 30, 2024. If you have any news to share, send it our way via our online form HERE.

August 02, 2024