

Medicine Weavings in Red

Charlene Vickers
May 13 September 8, 2023
The Cabinet | Room 4390
間眅埶AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver

Reception: May 12, 4:30 PM 6:00 PM | Refreshments will be served

Medicine Weavings in Red represents healing and potential healing. The weavings are made from a variety of everyday studio and domestic materials including Bud beer cases, craft felt, embroidery thread, shell buttons, shipping materials, blankets, flaggers, and artists tape. All works are woven, sewn and composed, employing colour theory as well as a philosophy of colour. Inhabiting the works red Budweiser beer cases are lazy golden eyed frogs, buttoned suns and moons, Heineken birds in flight, a Canucks Orca jumping, paper crowns and constellations. Themes explored in Medicine Weavings are: urban utopia/dystopias, a Bright Lights Big City blues song, Pow wow songs and regalia, roof top gulls and pigeons, building facades and textures, the peoples and unceded lands of the Squamish, Musqueam and Tsleil- Waututh, the people of the DTES, Culture is Survival, and Turtle Island fusion.

Charlene Vickers

The Cabinet is curated by Denise Oleksijczuk.


is Anishinaabe multi-disciplinary painter, performer, bass player in Vancouver B.C. Canada. Vickers' art is about gesture, colour, healing, and her embodied connection to her traditional birth territory Wauzhushk Onigum. Vickers is the recipient of the VIVA award (2018) and her most recent solo exhibitions include: Jingle Cones and Memory Flowers at Diana, NYC (2023), Ancestor Gesture: Diviners at NADA, NYC (2022), Big Blue Smudge at USask Galleries, Saskatoon (2022) and Ancestor Gesture at Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver (21-2022). Her current passions are: the Netflix series Outlander, her cats Rosebud and Jasper, anything Roots or Eddie Bauer, and 90s alt rock.

September 08, 2023