

Undergraduate Directed Study Form

Please read the Directed Study guidelines before you start your application.

This guide is intended to be a helpful resource for students who are interested in directed study coursework. It outlines what a directed studies course entails, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the instructor and the student. If you have additional questions after reading this document, you are welcome to contact the Undergraduate Advisor in SCA (sca_adv@sfu.ca).

What is a Directed Study Course?

A directed study course is an opportunity for advanced students to carry out an independent project which is planned and completed in close consultation with the supervisory instructor.

SCA offers two directed study courses: CA 400 (Studio) and CA 401 (Theory/History). Only SCA faculty can supervise a directed study course.

Directed studies courses may not be used as a substitute for existing courses.

How much work is a Directed Study Course?

Directed study course units can vary from 1 9 units. Students will work with their supervisor to determine how many units of work their project is. The work to be completed should be in proportion to normal expectations for Contemporary Arts courses at 間眅埶AV. Expect a minimum of three hours of study per week for each credit hour.

Students are personally responsible for all costs associated with their directed studies project.

Student and Supervisor Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

The onus is on the student to develop the proposal, consult with the appropriate individuals, provide the necessary supporting documentation, obtain the necessary approvals, maintain contact with the supervisor(s), and see the project through to completion. The SCA general office will not provide copies of documents in students files or liaise between students and faculty with regards to directed studies proposals.

Supervisor Responsibilities

Supervisors are expected to schedule regular meetings with the student throughout the term, provide support/feedback for the student, and grade students work and submit their grade to the Undergraduate Advisor in SCA by the semester grade deadline (sca_adv@sfu.ca).

How to Propose a Directed Study Course

Deadline to submit proposal: First day of classes for the Directed Studies term

Prerequisite: 60 units plus a minimum standing of completion of second year in any of the programs offered in the School for the Contemporary Arts, and prior approval by the SCA faculty supervisor.

  1. Decide what you want to do and develop your idea and work plan as fully as possible.
  2. Review your proposal with an SCA faculty member, and finalize course details including the number of units, assignments and grading, due dates and check-in dates. if your project is interdisciplinary or collaborative, you may need or wish to have a supervisor from each discipline involved.
  3. Collect the following supporting documents:
    1. Email approval from your supervisor the email must include your name and student number
    2. Statement of work this description must be detailed and explicit. It will serve as the primary basis for approval or rejection of your proposal. If your project is approved, it will also serve as one of the criteria against which your performance (i.e., your grade) will be evaluated.
    3. Equipment/Space/Resources if your project requires the use of University or School space or equipment, or the expertise of School personnel other than that of your faculty supervisor, you must clearly itemize all the resources which will be required. You must then consult with the appropriate person and obtain his or her email approval of the list attesting to the willingness or ability of the School, Area, or individual to provide the required resource(s).
    4. Your unofficial or advising transcript
  4. Complete the Directed Study Proposal form below

Once a directed study proposal has been submitted via the web form, it will be reviewed by SCA. All supporting documents must be uploaded before a proposal will be reviewed. Students should allow 3-5 business days for proposals to be reviewed.

If approved, the SCA Undergraduate Academic Advisor will enroll the student directly into the course and notify the student and their supervisor via email.

Directed Study Course
I have met the prerequisites for this course

Supporting Documents

NOTE: The total size of all uploaded attachments combined can be no larger than 15MB.

I confirm that I have read the Directed Study course guidelines above, and that the information in the form is correct.