

Half Life

by Cloud Eye Control (Miwa Matreyek, Anna Oxygen, and Chi-wang Yang)
March 28 April 14, 2023 | FREE
Lobby Screen Array 間眅埶AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver

A lamentation of fierce urgency, Half Life is an imagistic, visceral work inspired by the nervous fear felt in the wake the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Half Life explores the psychological fallout of global disaster, and how it affects our emotions and imaginations. The Los Angeles-based collaborators Miwa Matreyek, Anna Oxygen, and Chi-wang Yang bring their signature mix of projected animation, live performance and music to summon the unseeable forces that govern our collective sense of personal safety and control.

This version was documented at REDCAT theater in Los Angeles in January of 2015.

Half Life is funded in part by the New England Foundation for the Arts National Theater Project with lead funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; the LEF Foundation; and The MAP Fund, a program of Creative Capital, primarily supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Half Life is produced with Los Angeles Performance Practice, and was made possible in part by creative residencies at the Headlands Center for the Arts, CalArts Center for New Performance, and Duke University.

Original Production

Miwa Matreyek: Animation & Direction
Anna Oxygen: Music Composition & Direction
Chi-wang Yang: Director

A-ko: Jenny Greer
B-ko: Anna Oxygen
Musicians: Robert Barber & David Scott Stone

Scene Design: Efren Delgadillo & Shannon Scrofano
Lighting Design: Christopher Kuhl
Video, Systems, and Sound Design:  Jackson Campbell
Sound Design & Pre Show Music: Robert Barber & David Scott Stone
Costume Design: Kate Fry
Technical Direction: Efren Delgadillo
Music Production: David Scott Stone & Anna Oxygen
Choreography: Jennie Liu
Additional Video Content & Video Operator: Daniel Jackson
Stage Manager: Kate Eipl


April 14, 2023