

SCA | Quick News | June 7, 2024

Making a Scene Online: taking care +  

, SCA alumnus and Artistic Director of , is hosting a free webinar, "Cultivating Joy & Care In Our Practice," on Monday, June 17, 2024, from 10:00 AM 每 11:30 AM via Zoom, featuring SCA alumni (Artistic Director of Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre) and (Artistic Director of and founder/Artistic Director of ) and Shawn Macdonald (Managing Co-Artistic Director of Realwheels Theatre), presented as part of the Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance (GVPTA)'s Making a Scene Online: taking care series of webinars in advance of "Making a Scene Gathering: restoration & nourishment" on Monday, June 24, 2024, from 11:00 AM 每 4:30 PM in person at the BMO Theatre Centre (162 West 1st Ave., Vancouver), featuring SCA alumni (who's giving a keynote), , and . More .

Rodriguez works Do Eye Know You?

The SCA's Wladimiro A. Woyno Rodriguez is the Projection Designer/Systems Designer for Kym Moore and the 's Collaborative Residency project at Brown University, Do Eye Know You?, which is a "multidimensional performance project that travels from 13th-century France to civil rights-era Selma, Alabama, to realms of existence beyond the third dimension." More .

Smulovitz and Ramos' Sound Journey

The SCA's Stefan Smulovitz and Alcvin Ry迂zen Ramos are presenting a "Sound Journey" on June 30, 2024, at 11:00 AM at Gibsons' High Beam Dreams (350 Glassford Rd.). More .

Stir on Medicine

Here's Stir Vancouver on Pi Theatre's , which runs June 13 每 23, 2024, at the Vancity Culture Lab (1895 Venables St., Vancouver), includes SCA alumni (Apprentice Stage Manager & Props Designer) and (Sound Designer) and SCA MFA student (Choreographer) as part of the creative team. Read it .

Strom on Hyperdoodles in Drippytown

SCA PhD student is giving a Zine Night Library Talk, "Hyperdoodles in Drippytown," on Friday, June 14, 2024, from 4:00 PM 每 5:00 PM, in the Vancouver Art Gallery's Library & Archives, presented in support of the exhibition, Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines, which runs to September 22, 2024. More .

SCA in Dancing on the Edge

The 2024 edition of the Dancing on the Edge Festival, running June 13 每 22, includes SCA alumnus and the 's (with SCA alumni as Lighting Designer, Sam Mason as Projection Designer, and , , , and as Performers), by Furious Grace Dance Theatre (SCA alumnus and Sophia Saugstad), SCA alumnus 's , featuring music by SCA alumnus , and 's . More .

Neville tours Mochizuki for TV

Watch a video tour of SCA alumnus 's by Kamloops Art Gallery curator Charo Neville for CFJC Today Kamloops. Ancestral Dreams & Other Premonitions runs to July 6, 2024. Watch it .

Snack Tour with Snack Witch

SCA alumnus is holding a "snack tour of Calgary's Chinatown" on June 20, 2024, from 1:00 PM 每 4:00 PM, presented by The New Gallery is support of Cheung's exhibition , which runs to June 29. If you're one of the first 16 people to RSVP, you get a free $20.00 snack budget to spend on the tour! More .

O'Callaghan's Empties-Impetus

SCA alumnus 's quadraphonic work, Empties-Impetus, will be performed on June 15, 2024, as part of the A Day of Sound mini-festival at the GASK (Barborsk芍 51每53, 284 01 Kutn芍 Hora, Czech Republic). More .

Koh on Below the Radar

Episode 243 of Below the Radar, the podcast from our friends in 間眅埶AV's Vancity Office of Community Engagement, features busy artist on her ongoing project League and much more, including the The n Games, which was a project she realized with the SCA's James Long and SCA students. Listen HERE.

1000xRESIST is #1

Paste Magazine listed , the video game developed by SCA alumnus and the crew and their collaborators (including a bunch of other SCA alumni: , , , Felicia Lau, , , , , , and ), as 每 SPOILER ALERT! 每 the top spot on their list of "The 10 Best Games of 2024 (So Far)." Congrats to the 1000xRESIST team! Read the whole list .

SmartSmart in Folda

Produced with the support of , SCA alumnus 's SmartSmart is running as an in-person show on June 14 at 7:00 PM and June 15 at 3:00 PM at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts (390 King St., West, Kingston, ON), and online on June 14 at 7:00 PM (all ET), as part of the Spiderwebshow's 2024 Folda festival. More .

Vines Art Festival 2024

Vines Art Society, founded by SCA alumnus and Artistic Director Heather Lamoureux, is beginning to roll out the next edition of the Vines Art Festival, set to run August 7 每 17, 2024. Check for the lineup and other updates on their site .

Triple Point on vinyl

SCA alumnus not only just released released , the third in a (hopefully ongoing!) series of photo/music projects, but is also issuing / reissuing Loscil's 2001 album Triple Point as an expanded vinyl version. More .

Johal on Overthink

SCA Associate Member Am Johal, who's also the Director of 間眅埶AV's Vancity Office of Community Engagement, was a guest on the Overthink Podcast, talking about , his recent collaborative book with Matt Hern, which is also coming out as a print run this June via Columbia University Press. Watch the episode .

Lam in Gone With the Wind

SCA MFA student is part of the exhibition Gone With the Wind, co-curated by Steven Dragonn and Ho Tam, opening Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 2:00 PM 每 5:00 PM, and running to July 27 at Canton-sardine (#071 每 268 Keefer St., Vancouver). More .

Fried Bites 2 & 3

Watch the second () and last () installment of Fried Bites, hosted by SCA alumnus and Playwrights Theatre Centre's Dramaturg, Public Engagement, , who's out to find out more about "the people and the community of the Joyce-Collingwood neighbourhood!" Meant to help promote on Sunday, June 9, 2024, at Progress Lab 每 featuring Peter Abando and Kimmortal, plus a conversation by Calderon and his collaborators with SCA alumnus Anjela Magpantay 每 but the event is sold out (they're encouraging folks to email alyssa@playwrightstheatre.com to be added to the wait list).

Brown's Listening Event

SCA alumnus is hosting a Listening Event on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 2:00 PM as part of the Marianne Nicolson's project , which is running June 21 每 August 11, 2024, at UBC's Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery (1825 Main Mall, Vancouver). More .

Home is an Artifact

SCA alumni and join Luis Andr谷s Serrano and Monica Cheema as Gallery Gachet?'s 2024 BIPOC New Media Cohort for . Each of them will produce a film that will be screened on Sunday, June 9 at 7:00 PM as part of XINEMA's at the VIFF Centre (1181 Seymour St., Vancouver), and on June 10 as part of the will launch of Gallery Gachet*s community screen.

Tablao Triana Flamenco

SCA alumnus is performing as part of Tablao Triana Flamenco on Friday, June 14, 2024, from 7:30 PM 每 9:00 PM at the Anza Club (3 W. 8th Ave., Vancouver). More .

Mascall Dance's Privilege At Home

Mascall Dance, which has SCA alumnus (son of Jennifer Mascall and the SCA's John Macfarlane) as part of their team, is collecting bookings for their Privilege At Home project, which they describe as "a travelling delivery dance well-suited to gatherings of all sizes and major events." Find out more .

Piece Lily

Upcoming from Odd Meridian Arts: Piece Lily, "an improvised mandala of movement, music and musings," devised and performed by SCA alumnus , Ziyian Kwan, and Peggy Lee, with lighting design by SCA alumnus , running July 2 & 3 and July 5 每 7, 2024, at 7:00 PM at Odd Meridian's Morrow (Unit 204 每 910 Richards St., Vancouver). More .

DADAO Informal Presentation of Outdoor Works

SCA alumni , , and are participating in Dance West Network's DADAO Informal Presentation of Outdoor Works on Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 1:00 PM 每 8:00 PM at David Lam Park (300 Pacific Blvd, Vancouver). More .

Incoming at Boombox

Boombox, a performance space run by SCA alumnus and Francesca Frewer and Sierra Megas in a 53 foot shipping container (located at 44 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver), are cooking something up for June 26 每 28, 2024. Follow them on for updates!

Impossible Ordinary with Adler and Evans

Watch the latest edition of the Impossible Ordinary with SCA alumnus , who's also the Artistic Director of , seeking "advice on thorny topics" from guest SCA alumnus . Watch it .

Sound of the Sun Vol. III

SCA alumni , , and contributed to Sound of the Sun Vol. III, the "final iteration" of ' "celestial, sequential, solar, cyclical project," which is holding a "summer garden party with an outdoor cassette listening space, small meal, and live performances by SOTS artists Edith Skeard, Anju Singh, Sam Meadahl, and Immix (Robyn Jacob)," on Thursday, June 20, 2024, from 6:00 PM 每 10:00 PM at 2954 West 4th Ave., Vancouver. Space is limited, so RSVP .

The Dead Letter Office in Dartmouth

With performances and one-on-one experiences to share, ' (SCA alumni & ) The Dead Letter Office is returning to Dartmouth Nova Scotia for the Eastern Front Theatre's Stages festival, which runs June 5 每 9, 2024. More .

Sleeper calling for mail art

SCA alumnus is calling for mail art for the exhibition Electioneering at , "an artist-run project space in Nashville, Tennessee," organized by Chalet Comellas-Baker and Sleeper. Send your submission to: Electioneering, PO Box 587, Tallahassee, FL, 32302.

PTC Workshop Series 2024

SCA alumni , who are Playwright Theatre Centre's Artistic & Executive Director, Creative Managing Director, and Dramaturg, Public Engagement, are all hosts for the PTC Workshop Series 2024. Yeats is hosting "Writing Scenes of Intimacy# beyond 'they kiss'§ on Thursday, June 13, from 6:00 PM 每 9:00 PM via Zoom; Taylor is hosting "Mapping a Creative Project: Out of your head and into the world" on Wednesday, July 3, from 6:00 PM 每 9:00 PM at Progress Lab (1422 William St., Vancouver); and Calderon is hosting "The Show Will Go On: The Basics of Running a Smooth Event" on Friday, July 12, from 6:00 PM 每 9:00 PM, which runs online and at Progress Lab. Also, PTC's Joanna Garfinkel hosted an earlier workshop on May 25. More .

Gan's BIPOC Class Series

SCA alumnus is hosting a "BIPOC Class Series" for EDAM Dance on Sundays from June 30 每 July 21, 2024, from 3:30 PM 每 5:00 PM. More .

How Would Lubitsch Do It? S5E04a

Listen to S5E04a of How Would Lubitsch Do It? with SCA alumnus host and guest Kevin Bahr on Lubitsch's (1940). Listen .

Khosravi's virtual talk and open studio

SCA alumnus , the winner of Griffin Art Projects' 2024's , is participating in a virtual artist talk with Aiden Kirkegaard (the 2024 Griffin x ECU Studio Award Winner) on Saturday, June 15, from 1:00 PM 每 2:15 PM via Zoom (more ) and also holding an "open studio," again with Kirkegaard, on Sunday, June 23, from 12:00 PM 每 5:00 PM at 1180 Welch St., North Vancouver (more ).

Wreck Beach Butoh

Kokoro Dance, which has SCA alumnus as co-Artistic Director, is calling for participants for the 30th annual Wreck Beach Butoh performance workshop, running July 8 每 21, 2024, at Wreck Beach. The registration deadline is June 30, and the performances will be July 20 and July 21. More info .

Gamboa's dama workshops

As part of her New Works' 2024 Summer Studio Artist Residency, presented in partnership with Out Innerspace, SCA alumnus is offering four free workshops on the voice and movement practice called on June 19, 20, 21 & 26, daily from 9:30 AM 每 12:00 PM at Q7 (77 E 7th Ave., Vancouver). More info and RSVP .

Bhullar helps launch Greasy

SCA alumnus is participating in the launch for the new magazine Greasy on on July 20, 2024, from 6:00 PM 每 9:00 PM at What Lab (1814 Pandora St., Vancouver). More .

Sethi bio

The shared a profile of SCA alumnus  (they're the Festival Videographer) on their Instagram (read it ) and also reminded us that Sethi and Inanna Cusi's is screening on grunt gallery's Mount Pleasant Community Art Screen (at the intersection of Broadway & Kingsway in Vancouver).

Horror in Seconds' themes

, the short film festival dedicated to 60-seconds-or-less horror shorts from emerging BIPOC filmmakers organized by SCA alumnus SCA alumnus , has announced the themes for its 2024 edition: Religious Horror and Urban Legends. More .

June 07, 2024