

SCA | Quick News | May 10, 2024

El Shazly's Death Spells, Episode 1

SCA alumnus 's work, Death Spells, Episode 1 (watch a trailer for it ) is part of the 's "Cairo Food Week" exhibition, Does a River Shape a Table?, curated by Marwa Benhalim, which runs May 11 每 18, 2024. More .

Priest at the Accelerated Ad(E)vent

The SCA's is presenting at the Hyperstitional Research Syndicate's two-day event, "Accelerated Ad(E)vent: Subjectivity and Aesthetics Approaching the Singularity," running May 24 & 25, 2024, from 10:00 AM 每 5:30 PM in Room 3000 of the Western Interdisciplinary Research Building (Western University, Perth Dr., London, ON), hosted by the Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism. More .

TPE turns 20

Turning Point Ensemble, which has the SCA's as Artistic Director and conductor, is celebrating their 20th anniversary, performing on Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 7:30 PM here at 149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver. More info .

A Walk to Meryton is a staff pick

The Attic magazine chose the SCA's 's , released by Redshift Music, as an "" and a "staff pick" for March. Read what they have to say .

Kitsos helps Convergence

The SCA's helped host Convergence, the Western Canada Contact Improvisation's 6th Annual Contact Improvisation Festival, in our studios from May 3 每 5, 2024. More .

Update from Brkovich

We received a collection of photos (see them ) and an update from SCA MFA student Irfan Brkovich, who's hard at work on his MFA grad project, 0x2?, which we're told includes "laserography." Here's all that Irfan sent us:

Experimentation week for 0x2?, my MFA show, just finished. During the experimentation week, I moved my studio practice to Studio T at the SCA to work with a group of collaborators, the Workers assembly: Maddy Woodley, Czarina Agustines, Carlo Marchet, Adam Smith, Sara Van Gaalen, Colleen Bayati, Ricardo Gutierrez, Rios Tadeo, and Evelina Groll. My show is inspired by labor action in self-managed factories in post-war Bosnia. The group has been utilizing 'laserography' to explore the memory of light through manual labor processes. You can follow our development on my . This summer, I'll make an intervention through multimodal research in abandoned industrial complexes, which will serve as the groundwork for my September show. The team wishes to thank Ben Rogalski, Wlad Woyno, No谷 Rodriguez, Monique Cloutier, Emily Neumann, Uro? ?anjevi?, Justine Chambers, Rob Kitsos, Erika Latta, Miwa Matreyek, Kezi Jacob, and GCAPES: Miles Lavkulich, Jean Routhier, Darryl Strohan, Rodney Fenske, and Dylan Walmsley. The project was made possible in collaboration with 間眅埶AV's Department of Chemistry and Science Store. Also, I will be performing at the electronic music festival in Marseille, France, on 17 May, alongside Floating Points, Helena Hauff, Nina Kraviz, Ben UFO, Laurent Garnier, and others.

MacCormack's Shame, Shame, Go Away and SPRING MOOD BORED

Busy SCA PhD student 's book Shame, Shame, Go Away (from 2020) is included in a list of "14 Art Books to Read This Summer" from Hyperallergic. See the list . And then read a review of the book on Femme Art Review . Also, MacCormack has an exhibition of videos, , running from May 8 每 15, 2024, at (Tordenskjoldsgade 21, 1055 K?benhavn, Denmark), curated by objkt.one, which is an NFT marketplace that uses the open-source platform , the "art-focused Blockchain." More .

To Map Alongside Belonging

SCA alumni and join Luis Andr谷s Serrano and Monica Cheema as Gallery Gachet?'s 2024 BIPOC New Media Cohort, and each will produce a film that will be screened on June 9 at 7:00 PM as part of , an artist-run experimental film series that runs at the VIFF Centre (1181 Seymour St., Vancouver), and on June 10 as part of the will launch of Gallery Gachet*s community screen. More .

Gamboa in Residence

SCA alumnus is the Artist in Residence for New Works' 2024 Summer Studio Artist Residency, presented in partnership with Out Innerspace. More .

TR's Accelerator Lab International Fellowship

Theatre Replacement, which has SCA alumnus as Artistic Director, is launching the "Accelerator Lab International Fellowship," which they describe as "a cohort-based program for 4 mid-career, Vancouver-based experimental theatre artists, focused on mentorship, shared learning, cultural exchange and experience in international networking." Find out more .

SCA Student Unions Against Genocide in Palestine

The SCA Student Unions from our different areas shared a collective statement "Against Genocide in Palestine" and in allyship with the other student-lead protests and encampments everywhere. Read it .

Belkin on Berlanga

UBC's Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery shared a some images and quick introduction on their Instagram to the work of SCA alumnus that's part of the exhibition , which runs to June 2, 2024. More .

Mochizuki media

The Kamloops Art Gallery (101 每 465 Victoria St.) have added a video of SCA alumnus and KAG curator Charo Neville conversation about Mochizuki's exhibition, (at the KAG until July 6, 2024), on the exhibition's page on the KAG's website. Also on the page is a link to recent interview with Mochizuki on CBC Radio's Daybreak Kamloops, as well as lots of other good information and other links, plus a list of events organized in support of the exhibition, including an Adult Tour and Workshop on Saturday, May 25, from 11:00 AM 每 1:00 PM, an a talk by Mochizuki on Saturday, June 1, from 2:00 PM 每 3:00 PM. See everything .

1000xRESIST is out

1000xRESIST, "a magical realist sci-fi adventure game awash in the Asian-Diasporic psyche" produced by SCA alumnus , the crew, and their collaborators (including in the mix a bunch of other SCA alumni: , , , Felicia Lau, , Anjela Magpantay, , , , and ), is now available on Steam and for the Nintendo Switch. Find out more about the game .

SCA in Twelfth Night

SCA alumnus (and frequent Sessional Instructor) is one of the understudies for Bard on the Beach's presentation of Diana Donnelly*s Twelfth Night, which is set to run June 11 每 September 21, 2024. Other SCA folks involved in the production include Anjela Magpantay (Apprentice Director), (Assistant Lighting Designer), and (Lighting Designer). More .

ahmm 2024

SCA alumni , (with the , which includes SCA alumni , , and , and Jasmine Chen and Robyn Jacob), and are all participating in ahmm 2024, "a month of intimate small batch events at " (Unit 204 每 910 Richards St., Vancouver) to celebrate Asian Heritage Month in May, presented by . Much more .

Bill Millerd Artist Fund recipients

Congratulations to SCA alumni , , and and all of the other 2024 recipients of the Bill Millerd Artist Fund, administered by Arts Club Theatre Company. More .

SCA Music + Sound Compilation Spring 2024

Yes! The SCA Music + Sound Compilation Spring 2024, courtesy the Blemish Record Co. and the productions skills of SCA M&S student , is out now on Bandcamp. Listen to it .

George tours To Be Belligerent // To Commit To Memory // To Live Without Fear

, Gallery Gachet's Director/Curator and an SCA alumnus, is giving a tour of the exhibition, To Be Belligerent // To Commit To Memory // To Live Without Fear: 25 Years of VANDU, on May 11, 2024, from 2:00 PM 每 3:00 PM. More .

Stir on the Art Party

Stir Vancouver hype the on May 11, 2024, starting at 8:00 PM (750 Hornby St., Vancouver), which features an interactive video installation by (SCA alumni & ) and a performance of Love Tooth by  (the interdisciplinary multimedia and performance collective of SCA alumnus , Wryly Andherson, and Tadafumi Tamura), who are also hosting a zine-making activity. More .

Raven Spirit at Evergreen

, which has SCA alumni as Co-Artistic Director and as as Artistic Associate, are presenting "new work-in-progress pieces from Raven Spirit and the artists of the Pakitinam Choreographers Circle, a residency program for Emerging Indigenous Choreographers," on Saturday, May 25, 2024, from 8:00 PM 每 9:00 PM at the Evergreen Cultural Centre's Rehearsal Hall (1205 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam). More .

Le Sigh Issue 14

Issue 14 of Le Sigh, the "multilingual online exhibition space and art magazine" from SCA alumnus and Charlene K. Lau, is out now. Read it .

Triana's Intro to Flamenco & Tablao Triana Flamenco

SCA alumnus ? is teaching "Intro to Flamenco" workshops on June 17 & 14, 2024, from 7:00 PM 每 8:15 PM at the Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre (7646 Prince Albert St., Vancouver). More . Also, Triana is performing as part of Tablao Triana Flamenco on Friday, June 14, 2024, from 7:30 PM 每 9:00 PM at the Anza Club (3 W. 8th Ave., Vancouver). More .

Next at Boombox  

Running May 16 每 18, 2024, the next shows at , a performance space run by SCA alumnus and Francesca Frewer and Sierra Megas in a 53 foot shipping container (located at 44 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver), include Kait Ramsden + steph cyr, Frewer, and Leo D.E Johnson, presented with support from Company 605. More .


Upcoming from Playwrights Theatre Centre (PTC)! SCA alumnus , who's also the Dramaturg, Public Engagement for PTC, is presenting UNSCRIPTED: Deep Fried on Sunday, June 9, 2024, at 6:00 PM at PL 1422 (1422 William St., Vancouver), featuring Peter Abando and Kimmortal, plus a conversation by Davey and his collaborators with SCA alumnus . More .

Sound Palace 6

SCA alumnus curated Sound Palace 6, an "Evening of Immersive Music," on Saturday May 11, 2024, at 7:30 PM in Vancouver Community College's Broadway Auditorium (1155 E. Broadway, Vancouver), featuring SCA alumni , , and , presented by the . More .

Maamawi (???): Together Through The Fire

SCA PhD student (Dance Artist) and SCA alumni (Dance Artist), & (co-artistic directors of as the Lighting Design, Projection & Audiovisual Playback System Support Team), (Lighting Designer), (Stage Manager), and (Producer) are all part of ' Maamawi (???): Together Through The Fire, which runs May 17 & 18, 2024, at Animatrik Studios (4088 1st Ave., Burnaby). More .

Loscil's Umbel

SCA alumnus is releasing a Umbel, a new "photo zine" and album, on May 31, 2024, limited to 300 copies. Also, Morgan is having a "series of deep listening sessions in 4DSOUND" at (713 E. Hastings St., Vancouver) on May 31 & June 1, 2024, at 6:00 PM and 7:45 PM each night. Head for more about Umbel, and head for tickets for the deep listening sessions.

Adler's Autumn-Winter 24/25 colours

Here are some work-in-progress shots from SCA alumnus ? of the latest iteration of her speakers with their "Autumn-Winter 24/25 colours." Next comes some "hyperbolic crochet" and then playback of "environmental sound pieces by Why Choir, Aram Bajakian, Jen Yakamovich, Julia Ulehla and (SCA alumnus) , commissioned by " (for which Adler is the Artistic Director), all of which will come together during Adler's upcoming Project Space Residency with the (5714 Medusa St., Sechelt). See them .

221A Fellowship Shortlist Exhibition

221A (700 每 825 Pacific St., Vancouver) have announced Asia Jong as the Curator for the upcoming 221A Fellowship Shortlist Exhibition, set to run June 3 每 July 31, 2024, featuring SCA alumni and and Anne Riley, Christian Vistan, Damla Tamer, Jordan Hill, Manuel Axel Strain, Odera Igbokwe, and Soloman Chiniquay. More .

Horror in Seconds calling soon

Submissions to 's l, dedicated to 60-seconds-or-less horror shorts from emerging BIPOC filmmakers (and now including international filmmakers), open on July 1, 2024. Follow to stay up to date.

SCA in Dancing on the Edge

Read Stir Vancouver on the just-announced lineup for the 2024 edition of the , running June 13 每 22, which includes SCA alumnus and the 's (with SCA alumni as Lighting Designer, Sam Mason as Projection Designer, and , , , and as Performers) and by Furious Grace Dance Theatre (SCA alumnus and Sophia Saugstad). Read it .

SCA in rEvolver Festival

There's great SCA alumni participation in the 2024 edition of *s rEvolver Festival, which runs May 22 每 June 2 at The Cultch, including: (lighting for ), 's (which has Czarina Agustines, , , , and as performers and as co-Video Editor, as Stage Manager, and as Assistant Stage Manager), 's has as Video Designer, Olympia Tomasta's (which has and as performers and as Stage Manager), 's (which has , , , , and as "Panelists"), is a collaborative project with and , and by (which includes Aliya Griffin, Caroline Sniatynski, and ). Check out the whole Festival overview . If we missed anyone, please let us know!

Bruton's Creative Sound Workshop

SCA alumnus is hosting Sonic Geomancy: Creative Sound Workshop, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 2:00 PM 每 4:00 PM, in the Abattoir Studio at cSpace King Edward (1721 29 Ave. SW, Calgary). More .

first date face/sex with an ex

SCA alumnus has released a new song, first date face/sex with an ex, which Sum says is number 9 out of a suite of 18 songs, with the rest coming soon. Listen to it on YouTube .

How Would Lubitsch Do It? S5E01

Listen to S5E01 of How Would Lubitsch Do It? with SCA alumnus host and guest Chris Cassingham on Lubitsch's (1937). Listen .

May 10, 2024