SCA | Quick News | June 23, 2023

Moving Matter trailer

The SCA's just shared this trailer his new screen-dance work, Moving Matter, produced with support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's Insight Development Grant, featuring other SCA folks on and behind the camera. Here are the credits Rob shared: Created by Kitsos and SCA alumni , who did the garment and wearable designs, and , who did the cinematography, editing, and sound design. Current SCA MFA student did the projections and production design, and the dancers were SCA alumni , , and Olivia Johnson, who also helped Kitsos with the choreography. The work features special appearances by the SCA's Erika Latta, Max Tyler-Hite, Michael Meneer, SCA alumnus Desiree James, Brett Palaschiuk, Caprara, and Kitsos himself. With Jason Broome, Lucas Van Lenten, and Daniel Weintraub, Kitsos is also part of Westport Sunrise Sessions, who provided the music. Watch the trailer .

Grey Falls in Nest-work

The SCA's Christopher Pavsek is part of Nest-work: Art and Science Gathering on Saturday, July 15, 2023, from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM at the Richmond Art Gallery (7700 Minoru Gate). As part of his participation, Pavsek is screening his new film, Grey Falls, about the human relationship to birds, shot on the Fraser River delta. More .

Latta at CARPA8

The SCA's Erika Latta and Bertie Ferdman and Peter Eckersall are presenting "" at CARPA8, the Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts, which runs August 23 – 27, 2023, at the Theatre Academy Helsinki at the University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. More .

Bitter in Berlin

The SCA's is posting great images from this summer's SCA Berlin Field School, which she's leading, on her Instagram. Follow her to see them .

Alfred Jarry et al. at Red Gate

(the SCA's and ) played a show with and on Thursday, June 22, 2023, at (1965 Main St., Vancouver). Sample some Alfred Jarry .

Active / Passive

With a website by SCA alumnus , the 5th Volume of Active / Passive on Galliano Island, running August 11 – 13, 2023, includes the SCA's (who'll be giving an artist talk on Saturday, August 12, from 12:00 PM –1:00 PM at the Yellowhouse Art Centre, about her work Spring Summer 2024, which is on exhibition) and SCA alumnus (who's performing on Saturday, August 12, from 4:00 PM – 9:30 PM at the Yellowhouse Art Centre as part of the Slow Concert series). More .

Crazybull interviewed

The annual newsletter includes many good stories about Indigenous ԰AV folks and activities, including this quick interview with SCA MFA student . Read it HERE.

Sawyer's The Natalie Brettschneider Archive

SCA alumnus is presenting The Natalie Brettschneider Archive from June 29 – October 29, 2023, at Contemporary Calgary (#701 – 11th Street SW). More .

Dance Centre blogs with Kirouac

Read a blog post from The Dance Centre about SCA alumnus , who talks about her work , which runs July 8, 2023, at 6:00 PM at the Dance Centre (677 Davie St., Vancouver), presented in association with the . Read it .

Sound of the Sun, Volume I

Listen to , featuring tracks by SCA alumnus and soon-to-be SCA alumnus , presented by Unit/Pitt Society for Art & Critical Awareness. Listen .

Supplement 7: Uncle Doug’s Fishing Shack launch

Presented in partnership with our colleagues at ԰AV Galleries​, the folks at are holding the Vancouver launch of Supplement 7: Uncle Doug’s Fishing Shack, with contributions by Joar Nango, David Thomas, Ryan Gorrie, Timothy O’Rourke, Courtney R. Thompson, and Jenifer Papararo, on June 29, 2023, from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM in the lobby here at ԰AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts (149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver), featuring a selection of screenings from Joar Nango and Ken Are Bongo’s series Post-Capitalist Architecture TV on our projection array. More .

Ravensbergen's The Seventh Fire

Co-presented by , SCA alumnus 's "spatial sound" work, , runs June 27 – July 4 at (713 E. Hastings St., Vancouver), presented as part of the . Get tickets .

A Sound Response to M

Chandra Melting Tallow, Alex Miranda, and Laura Ortman are presenting a Sound Response to SCA alumnus 's M on July 6, 2023, at 7:00 PM at the Contemporary Art Gallery (555 Nelson St., Vancouver). But act fast – space is limited! RSVP . Hill's M is at the CAG until September 3, 2023.

Kong on Hill

Read SCA PhD student in Galleries West on SCA alumnus 's M, which – again! – is at the Contemporary Art Gallery until September 3, 2023. Read it .

Sensorial Visualities: Embodying Together and Alone

The culmination of CA 412W (Advanced Seminar in Art and Performance Studies) that's running as part of the summer term, and featuring SCA students as participants, is presenting the performance Sensorial Visualities: Embodying Together and Alone on Saturday, June 24, 2023, from 2:00 – 4:00 PM on the hill at ԰AV Gallery (Academic Quadrangle 3004 – 8888 University Drive, Burnaby), presented in support of the exhibition, also called Sensorial Visualities: Embodying Together and Alone, which runs to September 8, 2023. More HERE.

Inverso Productions Summer Intensive

Sign up for the Inverso Productions Summer Intensive, led by Heather and Lesley Telford, which runs August 14 – 18, 2023, in our studios here at ԰AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts (149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver), which we're co-presenting with ԰AV Woodward's. More .

FESTA PLURAL: Brazilian Edition

SCA alumnus will be reading some poetry as part of the Vancouver Latin American Cultural Centre's FESTA PLURAL: Brazilian Edition on Saturday, June 24, 2023, from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM at St. James Community Square in Kitsilano (3214, W 10th Ave., Vancouver). More .

Branching Songs

SCA PhD student joins Julie Andreyev, Giorgio Magnanensi, Lara Felsing, M. Simon Levin, Emma Pallay, Keira Madsen, and Myles V Feltenberger for Branching Songs, "an exhibition and workshop series on the Sunshine Coast," running June 23 – August 13, 2023, with an Opening Reception + Dialogue on Friday, June 23, at 5:00 PM and Workshops + Soundwalks on Saturday, June 24 + Sunday June 25, at the Sunshine Coast Arts Council Gallery (5714 Medusa St., Sechelt), presented with Vancouver New Music. More .

Silverfox's FCAT re-post and in Coming into Sight

The Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology re-shared an older interview with SCA alumnus in recognition of National Indigenous History Month. After you read this one, next read the conversation interview with SCA MFA student Taryn Walker and SCA alumni Krystle Silverfox we posted HERE. Also, Silverfox is part of the exhibition, Coming into Sight: 50th Anniversary Art Bank Acquisitions, which runs June 20, 2023 – May 20, 2024, in the Âjagemô art space at the Canada Council for the Arts (150 Elgin St., Ottawa, ON). More .

԰AV Galleries welcomes Laiss

Congratulations and welcome to Sydney Laiss, the new Collections Manager for ԰AV Galleries. More .

Smokey Devil – Underworld Street Reporter

With their co-partners Canadian Drug Policy Coalition from ԰AV Faculty of Health Sciences, Cool.World, and Overdose Prevention Society, our friends in ԰AV's Vancity Office of Community Engagement are presenting the world premiere and one-night-only screening of on June 29, 2023, at 7:00 PM in the Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema here at ԰AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts (149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver), followed by a panel discussion with Smokey Devil, Trey Helten, Sarah Blyth, DJ Larkin, and Nathaniel Canuel. Grab tickets HERE.

withintensions' Harmonies

, the monthly art mag produced by SCA alumni, is calling for their next issue on the theme of Harmonies. Submissions are due July 4, 2023. Also, don't forget to download their latest issue on the theme of Green. Get submission info and grad that issue .

Vickers in Indian Theater

SCA alumnus is part of the Candice Hopkins curated exhibition, Indian Theater: Native Performance, Art, and Self-Determination since 1969, which is at the Hessel Museum of Art at Bard College​ (33 Garden Rd, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY) from June 24 – November 26, 2023. More .

The River Clyde Pageant tickets

For folks in or around (or planning to be in) New Glasgow, Prince Edward Island, tickets for the 2023 run of The River Clyde Pageant, which was co-founded by SCA alumni and the SCA's dear, departed in 2015, go on sale July 4 at 10:00 AM and July 5 at 7:00 PM. Find out more .

Mad Aunty x Sound

In celebration of their 6th birthday, Indigenous jewelry and fashion company ​ and SCA alumnus have collaborated on a new collection. More .

The Aunties That Do video

The Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art​ in Kelowna (Unit 103 – 421 Cawston Ave.) shared a video about SCA alumnus ​' , which closes July 1, 2023. Watch it .

Durey​ on Hille​' Sisterhood

SCA alumnus ​ is one of the guest vocalists on ​' new Sisterhood EP. Listen (or on your favourite streamer).

Smith and Khakpour in Xinema Program 8

SCA alumnus 's The Big Reveal joins SCA alumnus 's Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet as part of Xinema Program 8: Cosmic Queerities on Sunday, June 25, 2023, at 7:45 PM at the VIFF Centre (1181 Seymour St., Vancouver). More .

Wu​' Joy Ride pix

SCA alumnus Johnny Wu​ shared a great promo image in advance of the debut of Adele Lim's , which hits theatres on July 7, 2023. Check it out .

Ybarra's Iceberg Stranded in My Bed

Capture Photography Festival​ shared an image and a short text about SCA alumnus 's , which is at Richmond's Aberdeen Station until August 31, 2023, as part of the , curated by SCA alumnus and Richmond Art Gallery​' Curatorial Assistant, . More .

Dear Friends & three

The third edition of the and ​' (which has SCA alumni as Art Editor and ​ as Managing Editor) FREE monthly reading series, Dear Friends &, is on Thursday, July 6, 2023, at 7:30 PM, featuring D.M. Bradford, Danielle LaFrance, Jane Shi, and host Deanna Fong, presented with support from Kootenay School of Writing. RSVP .

Saugstad​s' new project

SCA alumnus shared some behind-the-scenes images of a work in progress made with her sister, Sophia Saugstad​, and produced in our studios, featuring SCA alumni and ​, and Zoe Autumn, Sarah Formosa, Laine Gillie, Cassidy Hergott, Sarah Hutton, Simran Sachar, and Nasiv Sall. Looking forward to the completed project! Watch .

Lin's n Petrichor Daze

SCA alumnus is premiering In Petrichor Daze at Mile Zero Dance's REELING: Dance on Screen, which runs July 20 – 22, 2023 (9931 – 78 Avenue Northwest, Edmonton). More .

The Biting School​' EMPTY HANDED

Watch some rehearsal "snippets" of SCA alumnus Aryo Khakpour and Arash Khakpour's 's new "thigh-slapping" work-in-progress, EMPTY HANDED. Watch .

Majidi's Moss Grew

SCA MFA student Ghazal Majidi's short film Moss Grew is premiering at the Oak Cliff Film Festival on June 24, 2023, at 7:00 PM at the Texas Theatre (231 Jefferson Blvd., Dallas). More .

Charles' Lhq’apet Stl’anouk

The Art Gallery at Evergreen​ shared a Rachel Topham installation photo of (and quick text about) SCA alumnus ' Lhq’apet Stl’anouk : : To Tie Medicine, which is part of exhibition , running to July 23, 2023. See it .

Jesuíno at The Alex Community Food Centre

SCA MFA student will be the artist-in-residence at (4920-17 Ave. SE) in Calgary from July 4 – 14, 2023, "exploring the complex question of: how might we build more awareness around food systems?" Click through to to see a schedule of announced (so far) "activations."

Fredriksson and Enquist in the Dance Made in Canada Festival

SCA alumnus and Arash Khakpour are sharing an excerpt from You Touch Me as part of at the Dance Made in Canada Festival, which runs August 16 – 20, 2023, at the Betty Oliphant Theatre (404 Jarvis St., Toronto), and SCA alumnus is sharing _littleRoom_CUT10_Final as part of the set of screenings. More .

Lum's From the Archives

The Mónica Reyes Gallery​ and are presenting SCA alumnus 's From the Archives at Reyes' 602 E. Hastings Street, Vancouver, location, opening Saturday, July 24, 2023, from 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM, and running to July 29. More .

Monte Clark reps Tedlie-Stursberg

SCA alumnus is now represented by the Monte Clark​ Gallery, and will have his first exhibition with them from July 1 – 29, 2023, with an opening reception on Saturday, July 8, from 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Congratulations, Alex! More .

June 23, 2023