

Bhangra Flash Mobs!

, an SCA sessional instructor and co-founder, with Raakhi Sinha, of the , ended his semester's version of CA 120: Introduction to Dance Forms: Contemporary and Popular with two Bhangra dance 'flash mobs,' executed and performed with and his LANC 1870 class from . The first was in the 'atrium' in the Woodward's Building complex, which also houses the SCA, and the second in front of Rogers Arena on the night of a hockey game. Check out videos of the performances here. 

Sian's Bhangra class wasn't the only version of CA 120: Introduction to Dance Forms: Contemporary and Popular that ran for the SCA during the Fall 2017 semester. There was also a Hip Hop version lead by (who also teaches at and , is on the board of the , and is the founder of both the professional performance crew and , an audition-based semi-professional hip hop company) and a Jamaican Dancehall version lead by and (both of the multi-media and dance production company ), which was recently profiled by our friends at 間眅埶AV News check it out here.

CA 120: Introduction to Dance Forms: Contemporary and Popular is a popular SCA class open to all students across 間眅埶AV that changes its instructors and focus each semester it runs. The Spring 2018 semester of CA 120: Introduction to Dance Forms: Contemporary and Popular includes a version of the class on Afro-Caribbean dance lead by and a version on Contemporary dance lead by . If CA 120: Introduction to Dance Forms: Contemporary and Popular sounds like a class you might be interested in, please make sure to check the current . But act fast CA 120: Introduction to Dance Forms: Contemporary and Popular fills up quickly!


December 16, 2017