

What is the Internship in Contemporary Arts?

The School for the Contemporary Arts is seeking to partner with arts-focused organizations who are committed to engaging and mentoring emerging artists currently studying at the undergraduate and graduate level at the School in diverse and interdisciplinary practices by offering part-time, unpaid hands-on learning opportunities.

Our students have skills in community engagement, curating, event planning, outreach, research, social media, stage management, and production, teaching, video editing, website development, writing and much more. Internships are 8-12 hours per week for a minimum of 120 hours and typically run the duration of a 4-month semester, depending on the needs of the organization and the availability of the student.  

Why work with a Contemporary Arts student intern?

  • You will gain a skilled and motivated student to support or enhance your organizations work
  • Interns can provide support for special projects, festival, event or day-to-day operations of the organization by taking on a specific role
  • A student can bring fresh ideas, new perspectives, and knowledge of recent trends, research and technology

What is required of a Community Partner?

  • Offer an internship position that serves the needs of the organization as well as provides a rich learning experience for students
  • A willingness to assign a supervisor to work with the student to meet their learning objectives
  • Participate in a mid-way point site visit and a final evaluation of the students experience
  • A desire to cultivate the students curiosity outside the classroom


The internship is offered to students every semester: Spring (Jan-Apr), Summer (May-Aug) and Fall (Sept-Dec). Ideally, job descriptions should be posted one month prior to the start of the semester in which the internship will be offered, but community partners can post positions at any time using the self-service capabilities of .


 is an online job board used by the SCA Internship program, the various Co-op Education Programs at 間眅埶AV, and by the 間眅埶AVs Career Services program. As a Community Partner of the School for the Contemporary Arts, you are considered an employer on My Experience, and once registered on the system you will be able to post Contemporary Arts Internship opportunities, Co-op opportunities, calls for volunteers, and career opportunities.

A guide for employers and community partners can be found HERE.

How do I hire an Intern

  1. Contact Contemporary Arts Professional Development Coordinator to discuss the needs of your organization and potential opportunities for interns.
  2. Register your organization, collective, or studio on .
  3. Post your position to the Experiential Learning (Co-op) section. When you are posting or re-posting a position, please be sure to select "Contemporary Arts Internships Only" under "Position Type," and select "School of Contemporary Arts" under "Co-op Program." Please note that our system now requires a salary value to be entered, even for our unpaid postings, in response to new provincial legislation. Until we find a better work-around for this, please enter a value of $0.01 in the salary field.
  4. Students will apply directly to you through MyExperience, and you can download their applications from there. We ask you to review applications, contact students directly to set up and conduct interviews within two weeks of the application deadline, and before the start of the semester.
  5. Once the interviews are complete, you can make an offer to your preferred candidate, and negotiate the days and hours of work directly with the student. Please inform the Professional Development Coordinator if the student accepts the offer.
  6. The Professional Development Coordinator will draw up an agreement to be signed by both you and the student.
  7. During the semester, the Coordinator will contact you for a check-in interview to ensure that the placement is going smoothly. The Coordinator will also have a separate interview with the student.
  8. At the end of the placement, we will ask you for a final report assessing the students work.

Participating Organizations

The 間眅埶AV School of Contemporary Arts would like to recognize the following arts and cultural organizations for their generosity and commitment to offering invaluable mentorship, fostering the growth of emerging artists, and creating an engaged and supportive arts community.

Audain Gallery


Vancity Office of Community Engagement


Community Partners