Jin-me Yoon, Other Hauntings: A Geography Beloved (Dance), video still, single channel video, 2016. Image courtesy of the artist.

Jin-me Yoon’s Spectral Tides

The good people at the have shared some exhibition images and the exhibition brochure for Jin-me Yoon's exhibition, , which runs until December 10, 2017. As the Gallery's site explains, the exhibition "features projects set on two islands that are important to the artist's life and work: Vancouver Island, focusing on the complex histories of the Pacific Rim National Park, and Jeju-do, the largest South Korean island and a strategic US military outpost." Click here to download and read the excellent exhibition brochure, courtesy of the Gallery, to find out more about the exhibition. Make to sure to visit the gallery if you're in Nanaimo, not only before December 10 to catch Jin-me's show, but also to see what else their smart and responsive curator, , has organized, too.

Jin-me Yoon, Spectral Tides, installation views, 2017.  Photos by Sean Fenzl, courtesy of Nanaimo Art Gallery.

November 25, 2017