

Digital Theatre Exploration Festival

Presentations by CA 453 directing students
Thursday, December 10 13, 2020 | Online

The SCA's 2020 group of student directors are excited to welcome you to this years Digital Theatre Exploration Festival. A collection of eight digital theatre presentations by eight directors

Watch two presentations a day from December 10 to December 13.

Witness experimental creations in the age of digital stagecraft and take a peek into various snapshots of what theatre looks like in the here and now. Join us live as we navigate, investigate and re-invent ourselves as artists into a world resting transformed.


Thursday December 10 | 7:00 PM PT
carried away on the crest of the wave by David Yee

Directed by Hassan Babar

Lauren Han as Beckett
Saad Irfan as MaMar Shaikh
Asad Sheikh as Father Amal

A double vignette feature: An accountant of time caught in a leap second, a priest anchored in faith while an engineer challenges to uproot it.

This piece will take place on Zoom.

Thursday December 10 | 8:00 PM PT
Final Boarding Call (excerpt) by Stefani Kuo

Directed by G. Chan

Jack Strudwick as Marc and Guard
Peihwen J. Tai as Ting Ting
"Cynthia" as Lucy
[Redacted] as Christina

Stage Manager: Jordyn Wood

Flight CX5432 to Hong Kong SAR.  An exploration of a fragrant harbours spirit.

By invitation only: Capacity is capped at 25 people. If interested, email: freehomecity2019@gmail.com at least 48 hours before show.

The Telegram app is needed, either via mobile phone or desktop.

An email with details and instructions will be sent out 24 hours before the beginning of the show.

Friday December 11 | 7:00 PM PT
The Eulogy by Grace Chin

Directed by Abbey Macey

Sabrina Yu as Julia
Cynthia Su as Julian

One the eve of her mothers funeral, Julie struggles to write her mothers Eulogy and to reconcile with her estranged sibling.

Please note: this is an audio only presentation of a mixture of solo voice-recordings and a phone call.

The Eulogy will be live-streamed through . If you are connecting to the stream from a laptop or desktop, you only need the link to join in! If you are connecting from a smartphone or other device, you must download the PodBean app to join in.

Friday December 11 | 8:00 PM PT
The Goat or Who is Sylvia? (excerpt) by Edward Albee

Directed by Steven Yang

Sean Bray as Martin
Clare Noble as Stevie
Viviane Wu as Billy
Stage Manager: Megan Lane

A seemingly perfect household harbors a dark secret, one that holds the power to rupture their family from within.

This play will be experienced on YouTube Live, playing with multiple cameras and different perspectives.  

Saturday December 12 | 7:00 PM PT
Quake (excerpt) by Melanie Marnich

Directed by Claire Brown

Emma Savic Kalles繪e as Lucy
Zack Faulks as Men
Samantha Walters as That Woman
Eve Middleton-Meyer as Clerk/Priest/Other Woman

Follow Lucy across the United States as she searches for her Big Love and finds herself entangled in the path of a beautiful serial killer.

This is a predominantly live performance on Zoom using elements of recorded video and involving social media profiles for the audience to explore asynchronously to the performance.

Content warning: This play alludes to sexual assault.

Saturday December 12 & 13 | 8:00 PM PT
Selfie (excerpt) by Christine Quintana


Directed by Anthony Kit Lee

Tanaz Roudgar as Emma
Tamlin Vetter as Lily
Brett Hubich as Chris

Dramaturgy: Sena Yurika aロla

Stage manager/TD: Claudia Chan
Sound Designer: June Hsu
Digital platform designer: Andie Lloyd
Desktop Aesthetic: Sam Mason
Instagram Specialist: Rita Wei

A long mutual unspoken crush between Emma and Chris soon turns south after a heavy-drinking party, leaving Lily, Chriss sister, to mediate between the two. Three best friends struggle to navigate through the repercussion of a sexual assault on the verge of shattering their friendship.

Presented as Desktop-sharing with Facetime, messengers, and live-action. Streamed on Twitch and Instagram feed.

Content warning: This play alludes to sexual assault but with no explicit visuals.

Sunday December 13 | 2:00 PM PT
Every Brilliant Thing (excerpt) by Duncan Macmillan & Jonny Donahoe

Directed by Ami MacFarlane

Darrian Gaetz as the Narrator

Told with help from the audience, Every Brilliant Thing shows us the joy that can be found in even the most unexpected places and just how far we all may go to demonstrate to those we love that life is worth living.

This excerpt will take place on Zoom Webinar. As audience participation is a key function of the storytelling of this piece, we will require all audience members who want to participate to have a working mic/webcam on the device they are using to join us with. You're also welcome to join but not participate.  

Sunday December 13 | 3:00 PM PT
Fefu and Her Friends (excerpt) by Maria Irene Fornes

Directed by Thuja Quickstad (a work in progress)  

Ensemble cast:
Jesse Del Fierro (They/Them/Siya)
Eve Middleton-Meyer
Mau Garcia
Xia Au
Bana B.
Alexander Zavorotny

Dramatrug Mar穩a Escol獺n

In excerpts from this relaunch of Maria Irene Fornes classic Fefu and her friends, a group of women and queers navigate exclusion and belonging in a crumbling domestic utopia. The play starts with a loaded gun, unfolds room by room and ends somewhere none of us have been before. Lovers quarrel, someone winds up dead and a revolution falters all in the course of a single afternoon.

Presented via Zoom webinar.

December 13, 2020