
Scholarships and Awards

We recommend students to apply for both internal and external scholarships and awards. Students can find more information about scholarships and awards that are applicable to psychology graduate students at Internal + Donor Funded Awards and Awards + Funding.

Current students have applied and been awarded the following scholarships and awards:

Graduate Fellowship

Review below for the Department of Psychology's additional criteria for Graduate Fellowship.

Arthur and Ancie Fouks Graduate Entrance Award in Public Service

Bert Henry Memorial Graduate Entrance Scholarship

Kruger Products Bicultural Graduate Entrance Fellowship

Simons Foundation Doctoral Entrance Fellowship

Alexis Unrau Memorial Graduate Award in Law and Forensic Psychology

IODE Seaman Morley Scott Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Laurine Harrison Graduate Thesis Award

Marilyn Bowman Graduate Scholarship in Psychology

Michael Stevenson Graduate Scholarship

Annie and Leon Josefowicz Memorial Award

Knud George Pedersen International Graduate Students Fund Endowment

M.D. Angus & Associates Graduate Fellowship in Psychology

Robert Russell Family/First Nations Graduate Award

William & Ada Isabelle Steel Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Please note that current graduate psychology students will be informed as soon as possible by the graduate program assistant when the awards noted above are accepting applications.

In addition, students applied and have been awarded the external tri-agency awards Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's Program and Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Program (SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC, Vanier).

If you have any questions about the Department's internal award (e.g., donored funded awards, Graduate Fellowships, etc.) deadlines and requirements, please contact Kathy Nguyen, Graduate Program Assistant, at psycgrad@sfu.ca.

Department of Psychology's criteria for Graduate Fellowship (GF):

Graduate fellowships, valued between $1,000.00 - $7,000.00, will be adjudicated based on:

  1. University Requirements: see the Terms of Reference.
  2. Additional criteria for our Department:
    1. Graduate cumulative GPA of at least 3.5/4.33.
    2. Students' length of time in their degree program and the total amount of scholarships and awards funding received will be considered in GF adjudication process. 
    3. Evidence of successful progress in degree program, as indicated by timely completion of course work, successful completion of comprehensive exams (PhD), scholarly activity and Supervisor's /Committee's/Departmental assessment of student's progress toward thesis research and writing.
  3. The Committee will not (normally) recommend students for funding who have:
    1. The Committee will not (normally) recommend students for funding who have an unsatisfactory progress review in the year preceding the date of application.
    2. Students currently funded by a major scholarship/fellowship valued at $17,000 or more, or students on internship, are not eligible for this competition.
    3. Incoming students who are already offered a GF are not eligible to apply and receive another GF within the same academic year.