
Program Requirements

In addition to the following, students must participate in area research seminars during their M.A. and Ph.D. programs, and complete the requirements for their area of research specialization.

Master's Program

Students admitted to the M.A. program are required to achieve satisfactory performance in PSYC 824 (Research Issues), PSYC 910 & PSYC 911 (Research Design I & II), two breadth courses, a minimum of two area courses, a M.A. thesis proposal (PSYC 895), and complete a M.A. thesis (PSYC 898).

Note: Students from the HQT and CNS track are not required to register in PSYC 824.

Year Semester Course number Course name                                                                                                                 

Year I Fall PSYC 910 Research Design I: Experiments
    Area Course 1 see Area Requirements
    PSYC 913-918 Area Research Seminar
  Spring PSYC 911 Research Design II: Research Studies
    PSYC 824 Research Issues in Psychology
    Breadth Course 1 see Note 1 below
    PSYC 913-918 Area Research Seminar
  Summer PSYC 895
M.A. Thesis Proposal

Year II Fall Area Course 2 see Area Requirements
    PSYC 913-918 Area Research Seminar
  Spring Breadth Course 2 see Note 1 below
    PSYC 913-918 Area Research Seminar
  Summer PSYC 898 M.A. Thesis


Doctoral Program

Upon successfully completing the M.A. degree requirements, students may apply for admission to the Ph.D. program. Students who are admitted to the Ph.D. program with an M.A. degree from another university must meet the equivalent of all the requirements of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV M.A., and may be required to undertake additional work to ensure this.

Students in the Ph.D. program complete a minimum of two area courses, three comprehensive examinations (PSYC 991, 992 and 993), a Ph.D. thesis proposal, and a doctoral thesis.  The required courses and comprehensive exams must be completed within two years of entrance to the Ph.D. program.

Year Semester Course number Course name                                                                                                                      

Year III Fall Area Course 3
see Area Requirements and Note 2 below  
    PSYC 913-18
Area Research Seminar
  Spring Area Course 4
see Area Requirements and Note 2 below
    PSYC 913-918
Area Research Seminar
  Summer PSYC 991

Research Comprehensive Examination #1 (see Note 2 below)

Year IV Fall PSYC 896
Ph.D. Thesis Proposal
    PSYC 913-918 Area Research Seminar
  Spring PSYC 992
Research Comprehensive Examination #2 (see Note 2 below)
    PSYC 913-918 Area Research Seminar
  Summer PSYC 993 Research Comprehensive Examination #3 (see Note 2 below)
    PSYC 899
Ph.D. Thesis Proposal


Note 1. Breadth courses are content courses outside a student's research area.

Note 2. It is expected that course requirements and comprehensive exams will be completed within the first two years of the Ph.D. program.