
Participate in Research!


WHO is eligible to participate? Children ages 9 to 11 years old

BONUS FOR PARTICIPATION: You will have a choice between receiving a $20 gift card or entering a $150 prize draw.

PURPOSE: Much of our memory about our own past experiences consists of repeated experiences with familiar events that happen over and over throughout our life. We are interested in learning how children’s memories of repeated events are organized. Specifically, we are interested in learning how well children can accurately remember one specific instance of a repeated event.

RISK? Very low. Everything is done on the computer and you can watch your child complete the activities if you wish.

WANT TO PARTICIPATE? Email our graduate student Katie Berens at kberens@sfu.ca and she can answer any questions you have and set you up to participate!

CLICK HERE to email Katie and get participating! Thanks so much for your interest in our research.