
Course Information

The psychology undergraduate program offers a broad range of courses that examine theory and research in many different areas of psychology.  The courses are grouped into various major areas: History, Quantitative and Theoretical, Cognitive & Neural Sciences, Developmental, Social, Forensic, and Clinical Science.  The organization of courses in streams reflects the progressive and cumulative nature of the course content within each area.  There are also a number courses that overlap across areas.

All psychology students must complete Introduction to Psychology I and II (PSYC 100, 102) and Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology (PSYC 201).  Major, extended minor, and joint major students must also complete Introduction to Data Analysis in Psychology (PSYC 210).  Students are not required to specialize in a particular area, rather they are encouraged to sample a wide variety of courses.

Courses at the 200-level provide a broad introduction to an area of specialization and serve as prerequisites for upper level courses in the area.  Courses at the 300-level provide coverage of a more specific topic within the area.  Finally, seminar courses at the 400 level allow students to explore advanced topics in considerable depth or to obtain hands-on experience in conducting research.  The organization of courses in area-based streams is listed below.

A complete list of courses with descriptions and prerequisites can be found on the Academic Calendar. 

Course Outlines

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