
Clinical Psychology Program

The Department of Psychology offers graduate training in Clinical Psychology leading to M.A. and Ph.D. degrees and is based upon a scientist-practitioner model of clinical training. The program is designed as an integrated sequence leading to a Ph.D. degree. The Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology is accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association, most recently in 2021 for five years.

Applicants may seek clinical training in one of the following tracks:

  • Clinical General
  • Clinical Child
  • Clinical Forensic
  • Clinical Neuropsychology

Program Mission and Values

Mission - Our mission is to produce graduates who contribute to the science of psychology and to clinical psychology practice. The Clinical Program emphasizes the integration of science and practice. We are committed to training students to take a scientific approach to clinical practice and to use knowledge gained through clinical practice to inform scientific inquiry.

Values - Our program attempts to foster the following values in our faculty and students as they perform their teaching, research, and professional activities:

  • ethical behaviour
  • excellence
  • the integration of science, scholarship, and clinical practice
  • respect for and responsiveness to diversity
  • engagement with and service to the community
  • commitment to lifelong learning

Philosophy and Model of Training

The Clinical Program is based on a scientist-practitioner model of clinical training as established at the Boulder Conference in 1949. As such, the Program endorses the principles of scientific inquiry and emphasizes knowledge acquisition, scientific training, and structured, sequenced practical training as fundamental to the development of clinical competence. The Program recognizes the importance of breadth and diversity in training to ensure an appreciation of different theoretical and research perspectives. At the same time, we recognize the importance of depth in training within specific domains of clinical psychology. Thus, in addition to broad and general training in clinical psychology, the Program offers tracks in Clinical Forensic, Clinical Child, Clinical Neuropsychology and Clinical General Psychology. Training within these tracks is achieved through focused streaming of advanced courses and practica. While the research home of all Program clinical faculty and students in each of the tracks is within the Clinical Science research area, many Program members are cross-affiliated with other research areas within the Department. As a cornerstone of training, the Program operates an outpatient mental health clinic (CPC) designed to provide psychological services to the community, training and education of graduate clinical students and a setting for psychological research.

Program Goals and Objectives

We aim to foster the development of research, scholarship, professional skills, and a commitment to ethical behaviour. Our program emphasizes three broad goals each of which is reflected in specific objectives:

1.      To provide students with training in scholarly and research skills within the field of clinical psychology

  • Students will achieve foundational and applied knowledge and skills in research methodology and statistical analysis.
  • Students will develop foundational knowledge of research and theory related to Clinical Psychology.
  • Students will develop knowledge of research and theory related to their chosen track (Clinical Child, Clinical Forensic, Clinical General, and Clinical Neuropsychology).
  • Students will develop competence in formulating and conducting independent research and communicating results (in oral and written form).

2.      To provide students with training in clinical skills

Our Program is committed to producing clinical psychologists who are fully knowledgeable and practically trained in clinical psychology with competence in the areas of assessment and intervention. To that end, the Program incorporates a number of clinical skill objectives.

  • Students will develop the skills needed to conduct a range of psychological assessments.
  • Students will develop skills in differential diagnosis, case formulation, treatment planning and therapeutic skills.

3.      To foster the development of ethical and professional conduct and respect for diversity

  • Students will be knowledgeable about the ethical guidelines and standards related to the practice of psychology as set out by federal and provincial acts as well as international guidelines, standards and laws in relation to the Canadian context. They will also know how to apply these standards in their professional practice.
  • Students will be able to analyze and critically evaluate ethical dilemmas and identify appropriate means for resolution.
  • Students will be responsive to issues of diversity in their academic, research, and professional practice.