
Books, Articles, and Guides

Books and Articles

Acknowledging Psychology's History, Call for Disciplinary and Institutional Change 

In February 2023, APA Council of Representatives voted to extend a formal apology to First Peoples in the United States. In June 2023, APA leadership as well as the workgroup which drafted the Report on an Offer of Apology attended the annual convention of the Society of Indian Psychologists .

  • )

This offer of apology as a document and delivered in person by the APA follows apologies offered by the Australian Psychological Association, as well as the response of the Canadian Psychological Association to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Report. 

Other important documents that may be of interest with record to acknowledgement of psychology's history and calls for disciplinary change include:

  •  (Ward, Gaudet, McGuire-Adams, 2021)
  •  (Ansloos, Stewart, Fellner, Goodwill, Graham, McCormick, Harder,  & Mushquash, 2019)

Indigenous Research and Indigenous Perspectives on Research and Ethics

  • : Learning guides for:  a) ,  b) s
  •  (Hayward et al., 2021)
  •  (Windchief & Cummins, 2021)
  •  (Gone, 2021)
  •  (LaVallie, Sasakamoose, 2021)
  •   (Kennedy, Sehgal, Szabo, McGowan, Lindstron, Roach, Crowshoe, & Barnabe, 2022; with Elder Grandmother Doreen Spence, Elder Ray Bear Chief, Elder Noreen McAteer)
  •  (OKeefe, V.M.; Fish, J.; Maudrie, T.L.; Hunter, A.M.; Tai Rakena, H.G.; Ullrich, J.S.; Clifford, C.; Crawford, A.; Brockie, T.; Walls, M.; Haroz, E.E.; Cwik, M.; Whitesell, N.R.; Barlow, A, 2022)
  •  (Findlay, 2023)
  •  (Burrage, Momper, Gone, 2021)
  •   (Kincaid, Livingstone, Li, et al., 2022)
  •  Fish, J. (2021, October 14).
  •  (Ross, 2018) 
  •  (Ermine et al, 2004)
  •  (TriCouncil)
  •  (Morse & Lomay, 2020)
  •  (NCCIH, 2013)
  •  (Blume, 2022)
  •  (Liu, Aho, Rata, 2014)
  • Patricia D. McGuire. (2019). Indigenous Knowledges and Women Responsibilities as Invigorating Processes. Book Chapter. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Decolonizing the Academy. S. Cote-Meek and T. Moeke-Pickering. (Eds). Canadian Scholars Press. 
  • Patricia D. McGuire. (2010). Exploring Resilience and Indigenous Ways of Knowing.  Pimatisiwin A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health. Volume 8, No 2 Fall 2010. Open source, 


  • 間眅埶AV Library guide on 
  • UBC 
  • First Nations Info 
  •  & 
  • BC Action Plan to implement UNDRIP (March 30, 2022) : 

Other Educational Resources

Sanyas: Indigenous Cultural Safety (ICS) training is a unique, facilitated on-line training program designed to increase knowledge, enhance self-awareness, and strengthen the skills of those who work both directly and indirectly with Aboriginal people. The goal of the ICS training is to further develop individual competencies and promote positive partnerships.

The training is available to all continuing 間眅埶AV employees with supervisors approval (APSA, CUPE, APEX and Poly Party). To register, click here. If you are a current Psychology graduate student, please contact Tara Smith (psycmgr@sfu.ca) to enroll and have the San'yas course fee waived.

Indigenous Canada is a free, 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores key issues facing Indigenous peoples today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions. To register, click