
Conference Travel Expenses

Currently, the Department of Psychology offers graduate students up to $600 per academic year (Sept 1 - Aug 31) for conference travel. Eligibility requirements are:

  • Must be a first author of a paper or poster accepted for presentation at a recognized professional meeting
  • Must have exhausted other sources of funding (i.e., other travel awards; research stipend components of scholarships; supervisor contributions)
  • Eligible expenses include travel (air, rail, etc.), accommodation, registration, ground transfers, and meals
  • Only one claim per academic year (Sept 1 - Aug 31) can be made. Please ensure that all items you wish to be reimbursed for are included in the expense report


To access your funds from the Department of Psychology, you will need to create an expense report. Expense reports for conference travel retroactively reimburse you. Instructions on how to file this report can be found below. Please note, if your supervisor has funds available for you, this will have to be accessed through a separate report

Please use the following default account: Project S210028 | Fund 21 | Department 2720 | Program 00000

Please attach the following supporting documentation: 

  • conference program
  • confirmation of presentation acceptance
  • boarding passes
  • e-ticket, hotel bill, taxi, etc. 


Please visit www.sfu.ca/finance, Forms and Resources > Payment Services > Employee Travel & Expense - Online Claims >  Non-Employee Travel Claim Form


Please visit  www.sfu.ca/finance, Forms and Resources > Employee Travel & Expense - Online Claims > Create an Expense Claim

If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent an expense report reimbursement from being a viable option for you (i.e. financial hardship), you can apply for a cash advance. Please note that cash advances are only available to students presently employed at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

Cash advances preemptively provide you with funds at the minimum of $250. 


Please visit www.sfu.ca/finance, Forms and Resources > Payment Services > Employee Travel & Expense - Online Claims > Cash Advance Request

If you need additional guidance or information, please contact psycfin@sfu.ca.