
In The News

Featured News Articles

Vox: Missing a friend from the past? You should reach out.

Vox: The case for inviting everyone to everything

Global News: You get more out of giving a gift if you don’t expect anything in return, say ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV researchers

CNN: Kids' birthday party presents actually matter

National Geographic: It's hard to reconnect with old friends. Science may have a solution.

Wall Street Journal: How To Suppress Your Inner Scrooge

The Guardian: Can money buy happiness?

CNBC: Why manners matter: Top tips for raising kind kids

Select News Articles


Washington Post

UC Berkeley Greater Good

How Helping Others Can Help At-Risk People

Allure Magazine


Global News

Wall Street Journal

Vancouver Sun



The Guardian

Huffington Post

The Wall Street Journal

Global News

Huffington Post

New York Times

British Psychological Society

Wall Street Journal

American Psychological Association

Huffington Post

British Psychological Society

The Guardian

Toronto Star

National Public Radio

National Post

Science Daily

Business News Daily

Huffington Post

Huffington Post

Vancouver Sun