

What to expect in your first week

The first week is one of the prime times for free food. With all of the events, workshops, orientations, and meetings, there are snacks and goodies galore!

Graduate Student Welcome Day

  • This is a great opportunity to meet fellow incoming grad students from other departments. The day usually starts with a welcome talk by big names from the University admin, and follows with a Q&A session from grad students who have been here for a few years already. You’ll get to ask questions about funding, TAing, and anything else you want to know. Then you get a chance to mingle with everyone over food and drinks. 


  • This is a day-long series of workshops that happens at the beginning of every semester. It is recommended to attend if you’re TAing that semester, and you can choose among a whole range of informative talks. There is also information about our health care plan, free lunch, and some sweet swag at the door.

Psychology Orientation 

  • The psych grad caucus organizes an orientation event for incoming students to familiarize you with the maze that is ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. There is usually a tour and short talks from important organizations on campus. You’ll get a chance to bond with your cohort while enjoying some free food and you will probably leave with some swag too!

Psychology Department Welcome BBQ

  • MMMMMMM! The psych department hosts the faculty and graduate students for a casual Welcome BBQ on the North Patio. You’ll get a chance to mingle with the other grads, some faculty, and the admin staff. There will also be some delicious food.