
Selected Publications


(Underlined authors indicate they are/were trainees either supervised or jointly supervised; * indicates Dr. A. Thornton was the student’s primary supervisor)

  1. Coolin, A., Bernstein, D.M., Thornton, A.E., & Thornton, W.J.L. (accepted). Age differences in hindsight bias: The role of episodic memory and inhibition. Experimental Aging Research.
  2. Vila-Rodriguez, F., Panenka, W.J., Lang, D.J., Thornton, A.E., Vertinsky, T., Wong, H., Barr, A.M., Procyshyn, R.M., Sidhu, J.J., Smith, G.N., Buchanan, T., Krajden, M., Krausz, M., Montaner, J.S., MacEwan, G.W., & Honer, W.G (2013). The Hotel Study: Multimorbidity in a community sample living in marginal housing. American Journal of Psychiatry, 170(12):1413-22.
  3. *Baitz, H.A.Thornton, A.E., Procyshyn, R.P., Smith, G.N., MacEwan, G.W., Kopala, L.C., Barr, A.M., Lang, D.L., & Honer, W.G. (2012). Antipsychotic medications: Linking receptor antagonism to neuropsychological functioning in first episode psychosis. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18, 717 - 727. doi:10.1017/S1355617712000343.
  4. Smith, G.N., Thornton, A.E., Lang, D.J., MacEwan, G.W., Ehmann, T.S., Kopala, L.C., Tee, K., Shiau, G., Voineskos, A.N. Kennedy, J.L., & Honer, W.G. (2012). Hippocampal volume and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism in first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 134, 253-259.
  5. Thornton, A.E., *Kristinsson, H., *DeFreitas, V.G., & Thornton W.J.L. (2010). The ecological validity of everyday cognition in hospitalized patients with serious mental illness. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32:3, 299-308.
  6. Thornton, A.E., Cox D.N., *Whitfield, K. & Fouladi R.T. (2008). Cumulative concussion exposure in rugby players: Neurocognitive and symptomatic outcomes. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30:4, 398-409.
  7. Thornton, A.E, *Boudreau, V.G., *Griffiths, S.Y., Woodward, T.S., *Fawkes-Kirby, T. & Honer, W.G. (2007). The impact of monetary reward on memory in schizophrenia spectrum disorder, Neuropsychology, 21:5 631-645.
  8. Thornton, A.E., *Van Snellenberg, J.X., *Sepehry, A.A. & Honer, W.G. (2006). The impact of atypical antipsychotic medications on long-term memory dysfunction in schizophrenia spectrum disorder: A quantitative review. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 20:3, 335-346.
  9. Van Snellenberg, J.X., Torres, I.J. & Thornton, A.E. (2006). Functional neuroimaging of working memory in schizophrenia: Task performance as a moderating variable. Neuropsychology, 20:5, 497-510.