
Research Funding

Last updated on October 1, 2019

Post Ph.D. Grants, Contracts, and Awards (Funded)


Deans Medal for Academic Excellence, 間眅埶AV

  • An annual award from the Dean of Arts and Social Sciences for outstanding academic achievement, accompanied by a research stipend of $1000


Department of Psychology, 間眅埶AV, Internal Grant

  • $7500: Evaluation of Anti-Gang Efforts of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia
  • Role: Principal Investigator

2013 2016

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

  • $199, 216 Partnership Development Grant: Reducing reoffending and building resilience in adolescent offenders: Development, implementation, and evaluation of a toolkit
  • Role: Co-Investigator


American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41, American Psychological Association) 2012 Book Award

  • Dvoskin, J., Skeem, J. S., Novaco, R., & Douglas, K. S. (Eds.) (2012). Using social science to reduce crime. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

2011 2016

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

  • $1,465,239 Operating Grant: Effectiveness of a Relational Intervention in Reducing Violence and Victimization in At-risk Adolescent Girls and Boys
  • Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2010 2011

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

  • $10,000 Letter of Intent Grant: Reducing Violence and Victimization in Adolescence: A Sex and Gender Based Analysis and Intervention Strategy
  • Role: Co-Investigator

2010 2015

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

  • $365,790 Operating Grant : PATHWAYS: Evaluating the Transition of Psychiatric Services from Hospital to Community
  • Role: Co-Investigator


Canadian Institutes of Health Research

  • $710,375 Operating Grant : Toward reducing the risk for violence-related adverse events among people with major mental disorders: A prospective, repeated-measures study
  • Role: Principal Investigator


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Community-University Research Alliance

  • $999,000 Grant: Gang-related youth violence: Protecting youth by identifying modifiable preventive factors and fostering relevant assets
  • Role: Co-Investigator


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant

  • $142,777 Grant: Dynamic risk and protective factors for adolescent reoffending
  • Role: Co-Investigator


Institutional Small SSHRC Grant

  • $12,455 Grant: Development of a novel measure of protective factors for deliberate self-harm
  • Role: Co-Investigator

01/07 30/08

Consortium for Applied Research and Evaluation in Mental Health (a CIHR program)

  • $5,860 Summer Student Hiring Program: Timeline Follow-back Study of Common and Unique Risk and Protective Factors for Harm to Self, Harm to Others, and Victimization
  • Role: Principal Investigator

07/06 07/09

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (British Columbia) (IN-RUS-018[05-1])

  • $225,000 Team Start-Up Award: Risk Reduction in Mental Health
  • Role: Principal Investigator/Team Leader of 11-person Team from 7 countries


Saleem Shah Award for Early Career Excellence in Psychology and Law

  • Annual award granted jointly by Division 41 of the American Psychological Association (American Psychology-Law Society) and the American Academy of Forensic Psychology

07/05 07/10

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (British Columbia) (CI-SCH-027[04-1])

  • Career Scholar Award and Establishment Grant ($500,000 salary and research funding)
  • Role: Principal Investigator

04/05 04/09

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [410-2005-0682(6236)]

  • $140,294 grant awarded entitled Evaluating the impact of bias on criminal recidivism decision support tools
  • Role: Principal Investigator

01/05 01/07

British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission (Contract)

  • $63,985 contract awarded entitled A Prospective, Repeated-Measures Study of Dynamic Risk Factors, Treatability, and Community Outcome among Forensic Psychiatric Patients
  • Role: Principal Investigator

09/04 09/06

Presidents Research Grant, 間眅埶AV

  • $10,000 grant awarded entitled Meta-analytic Evaluation and Revision of the HCR-20 violence risk assessment scheme
  • Role: Principal Investigator

08/03 08/04

National Science Foundation (Award Number SES-0326490)

  • $62, 210 (USD) grant entitled The Reluctance to Use Decision Aids, in collaboration with Hal Arkes, Ohio State University
  • Role: Principal Investigator


Research and Creative Scholarship Grant Program, University of South Florida

  • $7500 (USD) awarded to study Reliability and Validity of Multiple Self-Report Measures of Psychopathy in Two Samples of Offenders
  • Role: Principal Investigator


Faculty International Travel Grant Program, University of South Florida

  • $1500 (USD) awarded to attend and present at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Munich, Germany
  • Role: Lead Presenter on Two Presentations

Other Grant Positions

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH Grant # 1 R01 MH63783-01A1)

  • Role: Project Director (01/02 to 05/07)
  • NIMH funded study ($1.3 million USD) entitled Personality Features in Social Deviancy (PI, Norman Poythress, Ph.D., Univ. South Florida). This ten-site prospective study evaluates subtypes of psychopathy in a large sample (N=1700) of offenders and substance abuse patients.
  • Responsibilities included contributing to study and design conceptualization, training, organization, data monitoring, data management, site visits, supervision of 10+ research assistants, data analysis and manuscript preparation.