

Allyson Klassen presented her poster, "Navigating Consensual Non-Monogamy in a Monogamous World" at Connecting Minds in Richmond, BC on May 12th & 13th, 2023. 

Sophie Camire, Aisha Richmond & Isidora Vidakovic presented their poster, "Communication Behaviours in Mixed Gender Couples’ Sexual Discussions" at Connecting Minds Undergraduate Research Conference in Richmond, BC on May 12th, 2023. 

Janaki Patel presented her poster, "Fantasizing About Helping? Investigating the Frequency and Nature of Prosocial Fantasies in Undergraduate and Adult Ex-Offender Samples" at the Connecting Minds undergraduate conference in Richmond, B.C on May 13th, 2023.

Hilary Tsui presented her poster, "The need for therapeutic intervention in prison", at Connecting Minds in Richmond, BC on May 13, 2023. This poster argues that Canadian prisons ought to provide therapeutic intervention to all incarcerated people as it reduces the risk of recidivism: it addresses their mental health needs and provides them with life and career skills to become working citizens in society.

Scarlett MacPherson presented her poster, "Is childhood stability associated with prosociality in adulthood?" at the Connecting Minds Conference at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Richmond, B.C., May 13th, 2023. 

Carissa Gauthier presented her poster, "Young Adults’ Relationship Experiences During COVID-19" at the Connecting Minds Conference in Vancouver, BC on May 12, 2023.