
Going where the need is: Psychological research in the context of reconciliation


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Murry, Adam (2023, March 9). Going where the need is: Psychological research in the context of reconciliation. Public virtual lecture -- ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Psychology Indigenous Reconciliation Committee: Invited Scholar Colloquium, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. 

The events and recording are offered free to attendees and others. If you would like to make a donation in appreciation of these materials, please see below for some suggestions.


When: March 9, 2023
Where: Virtual Zoom

As with other events in the Indigenous Scholar Speaker Series, there was a main pubic colloquium. Additionally, there was a smaller event for Indigenous students to meet in a small group with each other and the invited speaker immediately after the public colloquium.

Opening was provided by Elder Marie Hooper.

This event was organized by Psychology's Indigenous Reconciliation Committee as part of the Indigenous Scholar Speaker Series, which combines public main colloquia, with a small group meeting for selected Indigenous students. 

We are pleased that the Social Psychology Area of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Department of Psychology and the Department Colloquium Committee joined the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Psychology's IRC as co-sponsors by co-funding this pair of events. We are appreciative of the Social Psychology area's and the Department Colloquium's support in helping make the event possible. 

The events were offered free to attendees. If you would like to make a donation in appreciation, you may wish to consider some of the following options:
- the Indian Residential School Survivors Society, visit: 
Indspire, visit: 

Abstract for the main colloquium: 

In this era of reconciliation, interest in research about Indigenous topics and causes, with and by Indigenous peoples, is growing across sectors. Many who are entering this arena for the first time are confronted with standards of ethics, rules of engagement, methodological decisions, and research orientations than they have not encountered within their discipline's methodological training. This talk will be about my journey as a mixed-methodologist in psychology working in Indigenous organizations, agencies, and programs for the past 20 years. I'll talk about how I found myself in this space, how Indigenous scholarship has articulated the methodological landscape, choices and dilemmas that flow from it, and some examples of research we've been doing that I think represent some cool attempts to do a certain type of Indigenous research in a good way. The review of the research will emphasize different elements of the process and context than a usual research presentation, with the hope that it help make abstract ideas concrete and assist others in their own journeys navigating research spaces.

ABOUT Dr. Adam Murry:

Dr. Adam Murry (PhD) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Calgary.

Adam T. Murry (Apache), PhD, runs the Indigenous Organizations and Communities Development Research lab. He is co-principal investigator for the Alberta Indigenous Mentorship in Health Innovation (AIM-HI) network and Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR) in Canada, and conducts research on Indigenous employment, mentorship, allyship,  education, Indigenous studies, substance use, mental health, sustainability, and ministry. Dr. Murry has multiple peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, serves on several diversity and Indigenous-specific committees, and consults with both the non-profit and Tribal sector.

For more information on Dr. Murry


  • , Barnabe, Cheryl, Foster, Sharon, Taylor, Aisha, , Henderson, Rita and Crowshoe, Lynden. "".  18.11 (2021): 1-11. Print.
  •  and James, Keith. "".  53.2 (2021): 114-124. Print.
  • Murry, A. (2019). Non-clinical mental health programs in on-reserve settings: Can we assume program validity? , 41(3), 14-15,  
  • Murry, A. (2017). Culturally responsive education: The need and methods for demonstrating effectiveness for evidenced-based practices (pp. 175-202). In Reyner, J., Martin, J., Lockard, L., & Gilbert, W.S. (Eds.), Honoring our Teachers. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University.
  •  and Wiley, Judy. "".  56.3 (2017): 3-33. Print.
  • Murry, A. (2017). Culturally responsive education: The need and methods for demonstrating effectiveness for evidenced-based practices (pp. 175-202). In Reyner, J., Martin, J., Lockard, L., & Gilbert, W.S. (Eds.), Honoring our Teachers. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University.
  • Murry, A. (2013). From Pictures to Numbers: Vision Mapping and Sustainability Collaboration between Native American Community Members and Mainstream Scientists merican Indian Culture and Research Journal 37:4.  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279048691 
  • James, K., Murry, A., & Pacheco, D. (2012). Strong communities: Integrating environmental, economic and social sustainability. In Dillard, J., Brennan, E.M. & Dujon, V. Social sustainability: A multilevel approach to social inclusion. London: Routledge.


If you are interested in additional resources on topics around Reconciliation/Decolonization/EDI, you may also interested in visiting the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Psyc IRC Resources page and links. They are continually being updated: /psychology/about/indigenous-reconciliation/resources.html