
Graduate Students

Matthew Wakefield, MA

Matthew is a sixth year student, completing the Ph.D. program in the General-Clinical stream. He completed his honours thesis, in which he examined emotion differentiation, borderline features, and impulsivity, under the supervision of Dr. Alexander Chapman in 2013. He defended his Master's thesis under the continued supervision of Dr. Chapman, and is currently workig on his Ph.D. investigating associations with self-harm.

Lynnaea Owens, MA

Lynnaea is a senior student in the Ph.D. program in the General-Clinical stream. She received her B.A. from the University of British Columbia where she completed an honours thesis on borderline personality disorder (BPD) traits and sexuality. Her Masters was completed at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV under the supervision of Dr. Chapman, looking at self-compassion in borderline personality disorder. Her current research interests include romantic and sexual functioning in BPD and the role of self-compassion in emotion regulation. Her Ph.D. study was completed in Winter of 2020, and she is currently writing her dissertation and preparing to apply for internship.

Philippa Hood, H. Dip.  

Philippa is a Ph.D. student in the clinical psychology program at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Her Master's thesis (2020), under the supervision of Dr. Alexander Chapman, examined the roles of mindfulness and emotion regulation as mechanisms of change in dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT). Her Ph.D. Research, supervised by Dr. Chapman and Dr. Grace Iarocci, is a feasibility and acceptability trial of DBT for self-harming autistic adults. Philippa's research has been funded by the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR), the British Columbia Graduate Scholarship (BCGS), ISIT DBT, and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's Community Engaged Research Initiative (CERI).

Research Interests: participatory research and the autistic voice; third-wave psychotherapies; suicide and self-harm

Cassandra Turner, BA (Hons)

Cassandra Turner is currently a Master’s student in the Clinical-Child stream of the Clinical Psychology program at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. She completed her Honours Psychology BA at the University of Victoria in the UVic Child Lab and worked as the Lab Manager for the Risky Behaviour Lab at UVic prior to joining the Personality and Emotion Research Lab at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Cassandra is interested in researching how early childhood experiences and parenting affect risk taking behaviours and outcomes related to borderline personality disorder and nonsuicidal self-injury throughout the lifespan. Her current research examines the relationship between empirically established risk factors, attachment, and borderline personality disorder symptoms (including Nonsuicidal self-injury). Broadly, she is interested in longitudinal research that can illuminate the etiology of self-damaging and risky behaviours in individuals with and without borderline personality disorder.

Lab Coordinator

Michelle Morin (B.A.)  

Michelle is the general lab coordinator of PERL. She completed her undergraduate at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV in Spring 2020, majoring in psychology and minoring in counselling. Her research interests include treatment adherence in clinical populations, and her goal is to pursue her M.A. in counselling psychology.

Current Research Assistants

Tom Maloney
Jacob Vlug

PERL members circa 2018