
Department JEDAI Workgroup

Territorial Acknowledgement

We respectfully acknowledge that 間眅埶AV's three campuses are located on the unceded Traditional Coast Salish Lands including the Tsleil-Waututh (slilwta优), Kwikwetlem (k妢ik妢m), Squamish (S廎硬x戔w繳7mesh xwumixw), Musqueam (x妢m庛k妢ym), the Katzie (qicy), Kwantlen, Qayqayt (qiq矇yt), Semihamoo (Semiyome) and Tswawassen St籀:l Nations.

Additionally, we humbly and respectfully acknowledge that the work, particularly the research, of members of the Psychology Department is not limited to these territories. We respect the sovereignty, lands, histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, M矇tis, and Inuit nations across the area now known to many as Canada, as well as the Indigenous nations and communities on whose territories we are grateful to work. 

Statement of goals AND PRINCIPLES

The department-level workgroup formed in November 2022. This workgroup seeks to uphold the University JEDI Statement. We do this through a commitment toward the development of actionable priorities in regard to  Justice, Decolonizing, (Re)concilia(c)tionEquity, Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusion (JEDAI).

Broadly speaking, the JEDAI Workgroup seeks to

  • identify and outline areas of focus to address historical and current gaps in the discipline and work of the department
  • promote practices to elevate understanding and appreciation of epistemic diversity, promoting epistemological justice by increasing familiarity with diverse perspectives
  • advance/better reflect the perspectives and experiences of traditionally marginalized or excluded identities/communities/groups
  • include and promote voices/perspectives of people of all identities, abilities equitably
  • address barriers to the entry and completion of training programs, and facilitate equitable professional success 
  • create inclusive spaces and connection for diverse members within, interacting with and beyond the 間眅埶AV Psychology Department

Although there are some interests and values that overlap with the Department's Indigenous Reconciliation Committee, the JEDAI workgroup is developing department level actionable priorities and is being kept separate from the IRC, so that the IRC can prioritize work towards Indigneous Reconciliation.

WORKGROUP Action Plans and Actions

The JEDAI workgoup's actionable priorties include but are not limited to taking steps towards improving access to information/materials to address structural barriers for academic success and/or inclusion/admission to graduate school; facilitating more inclusive spaces, pedagogies and research; organizing events/colloquia.

Descriptions of some of the workgroup key activities/action priorities will be detailed here, including links to Resource and Events pages.

: The workgroup has been buidling a webpage to include some resources that may be of interest; we will be continuing to add/develp the page as we go. Additional links to some relevant resources can be found on the 間眅埶AV Psychology Department Indigenous Reconciliation Committee website: Resources - Psychology - 間眅埶AV (sfu.ca)

: The workgroup is commited to organizing events to facilitate learning from and connection with Diverse Scholars. The workgroup is currently in the planning stages of some upcoming events, one of which is

September 29, 2023 -- Public Zoom Colloquium by Dr. Jude Mary C矇nat  and possible small group meeting with BIPOC students/scholars. This event is being organized with the Clinical Science Area of the Department; we thank them for inviting us to work with them in organizing this event. 

At present the EVENTS page for this workgroup some of our planned events and  highlights events/workshops/conferences/seminars organized by others; these include excellent opportunities to learn and connect with others online as well as in-person. As this workgroup begins to get started in this direction, UPCOMING EVENTS organized by the 間眅埶AV Psychology Department Indigenous Reconciliation committee may also be of interest. 

Accountability Statement

We will make our work transparent and hold ourselves accountable in the ways detailed below.

  • Although currently in formation and currently only composed of faculty members, the workgroup will be made up of faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate student members. We will make efforts to include people with diverse lived experiences and identitites/positionality.
  • Meetings will be held approximately once per month. 
  • Meetings will be organized and facilitated by the workgroup lead, developing the meeting topics/structure based on needs and input from workgroup members.
  • Maintain notes of meetings that are shared with workgroup members after the meeting to be checked for accuracy.
  • Provide regular progress reports on the work of the workgroup to the Department and post to our webpage.
  • Include information on workgroup activities on our webpage.


If you have any suggestions for additional links or content to be included on the pages, feel free to contact workgroup lead Rachel Fouladi at rfouladi@sfu.ca.