
Psychology Declaration

Declaration means formal approval into the program. Newly admitted students including transfer students are undeclared. 

If you are waiting to declare into the PSYC Major, Joint Major, or Extended Minor, we recommend declaring into the Minor first and then switching.

Declare once you have completed the following: 

  • PSYC Minor: , , and  (C or better) and a CGPA of 2.00.
  • PSYC MajorJoint Majors, and Extended Minor: , ,  (C or better),  (or STAT 270) and a CGPA of 2.00. Only PSYC 201 has a grade requirement.

To declare your program, please complete the form below by the following dates to guarantee your declaration into our PSYC programs before the start of the enrollment period:

-  November 1  (Spring enrollment)
-  March 1  (Summer enrollment)
-  July 1  (Fall enrollment)

Any declaration requests submitted after these dates will be delayed and will be processed on an on-going basis.


I have completed all declaration requirements for this program.
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