

Valerio Tricoli and Thomas Ankersmit

November 19 | 12:30 2:20
Room 4350 間眅埶AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts

Please join us for a FREE talk and demo by Valerio Tricoli and Thomas Ankersmit.

Tricoli and Ankersmit are in town to perform at with John Wiese on Nov 20. Info .

Thomas Ankersmit is a saxophonist, electronic musician and installation artist based in Berlin and Amsterdam, who combines abstract, intensely focused acoustic saxophone work with hyper-kinetic analogue synth and computer improvisation. He also creates installation pieces that use sound, infrasound and modifications to the acoustic characters of spaces that disrupt the viewer/listeners perception of the exhibition space and their presence within it. He frequently works together with New York minimalist Phill Niblock. Other recent collaborators have included Kevin Drumm and Borbetomagus.

Valerio Tricoli is a Berlin-based composer, improviser, sound installation artist, producer, sound engineer and curator bridging musique concr癡te and conceptual forms of sound with a radical interest in how reality, virtuality and memory relate to each other during the acoustic event. He mostly uses analogue electronic devices (reel-to-reel tape recorders, synthesizers, microphones, light effects, ultrasonic speakers). The structure of the setup is ever-changing however, seeking multiple relations between the performers, the device and the space in which the event takes place. He is one of the founders of 3/4HadBeenEliminated and the Bowindo label/collective.

November 19, 2018