

SCA Professional Practice Series: Creating Options 1 & 2

Session 1: Friday, March 13, 2020 | 10:00 AM 12:30 PM | FREE
Session 2: Friday, April 3, 2020 | Cancelled

Note: This is a 2-part series. Please plan to attend both sessions. If you are only available for one, you may choose to attend Session 1.

Creating Options

Create career, work and life options through programming designed to help you identify your strengths, your obstacles, who you are and who you are becoming, and what is important to you. This 2-part Career Development workshop series will be lead by Career Professionals Penny Freno and Deanne Esdale from 間眅埶AV.

  • Part 1: In the first session, well facilitate a fun, insightful process (disguised as a board game) to reflect on your experiences, personal qualities and values, and generate possibilities for life and work fulfillment based on those.
  • Part 2: Complimenting the first session, we shift from reflection to action, with activities to help you map out specific ways you can make informed choices about your future, and be intentional about ways to reach your goals.   

Interactive workshops using career development tools and principles, along with hearing valuable feedback from peers, will help to grow confidence in your decisions and encourage you to take actions towards the future you see for yourself. Access to a self-directed, online career discovery tool will be made available to all participants, to help to create a career statement (like an artist statement) and keep you on track with how to talk about and take action on your options. Follow-uping up with a career professional or professional in your field of interest will be a great way to continue the career development work.  

Deanne Esdale, BA, CCDP

A leader in the field of career education, Deanne has developed expertise over several years working as a facilitator, coach, collaborator and educator. She draws on these experiences, in addition to roles at several major cultural institutions, to offer valuable insights, such as how to cultivate self-knowledge, how to make effective decisions, and how make sense of the intricate marketplace and create opportunities for life and work. Her work is informed by training in career theory, solution-focused counselling, guiding circles, career cycles, adult education, entertainment management and human geography. Helping others to see the strengths they have and guiding them through transformative processes is her passion. She works at 間眅埶AV and in private practice.

Penny Freno, MA, HNCP

My joy as a career educator and career-life transitions coach is guiding people to figure out, recognize, and give voice to their talents, strengths, and desires, to imagine possibilities, and to craft action plans to make confident and intentional career-life choices.

My career spans several different roles in career education as a coach, facilitator, sessional instructor and job developer in higher education, and a case manager and employment coach with community-based organizations plus 'former lives' in public relations, event planning, and program development.  Some might see me as the 'poster child' for navigating a complex, uncertain and ever-changing world.   

My assets also include my curiosity, big-picture thinking, resourcefulness, and possibilities mindset as well as my MA in Leadership and Training and my Holistic Narrative Career Practitioner designation. My current work is with 間眅埶AV Career and Volunteer Services, alongside a gig as an Associate with CareerCycles.

April 03, 2020