Raymond Boisjoly’s Two Returns

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 | 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM | The Cabinet: 4th floor – ԰AV Goldcorp centre for the Arts | FREE  

Please join us for the full moon reception for Raymond Boisjoly’s Two Returns (2021 | 8-pack of Lucky Lager, adhesive vinyl on glass).

Refreshments will be served.

A familiar brand of Vancouver Island beer is placed in relation to an intricate weblike arabesque of white, interlacing lines on the window pane, its almost symmetrical abstract form serving as a black metal logo for Seattle. In this work the two primary modernist responses to the rise of mass consumer culture, the readymade and abstraction, are put in dialogue with each other. Two Returns prompts the observers to give play to their imaginations, and to consider fully the aesthetic moves and cultural contexts that the juxtaposition calls up.

Curated by Denise Oleksijczuk.


Raymond Boisjoly is an Indigenous artist and citizen of the Haida Nation, and is an associate professor at the SCA. He uses screens, scanners, photocopiers, and inkjet printers to capture technological processes together with subject matter centered on cultural norms and aphasias, humour, and intercultural connections. Boisjoly’s solo exhibitions include MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge (2022); Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver (2021); The Polygon Gallery, North Vancouver (2020); VOX, Montreal (2016); Carleton University, Ottawa (2015; and in group exhibitions including at the Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca (2021); Honolulu Biennial (2020); Daegu Photo Biennale, South Korea (2018); Henry Art Gallery, Seattle (2017); Triangle France, Marseille (2015); SITElines, Santa Fe (2014).

March 10, 2022