
Hannah Campbell, Forsythia, 2020. Polaroid photo. Xinyue Liu, Reflections, 2020. Digital photo. Design: Ghinwa Yassine. Courtesy the artists.

MFA Graduating Exhibition 2020: In Place of Sight

November 26 每 December 12, 2020 | Audain Gallery | Online

Caitlin Almond, Hannah Campbell, Xinyue Liu (隸陔埼), Jennifer Tham, and Ghinwa Yassine.

This exhibition presents the work of graduating MFA candidates in the School for the Contemporary Arts at 間眅埶AV.

For information on how to view/access the exhibition, visit .

In Place of Sight offers a multi-modal meditation on in/visibility. As portals to an altered time and space, the artists* poetic interventions take the form of installation, painting, drawing, photography, sound, and video. Combining distinct practices and process-based research, the exhibition examines notions of silence, concealment, erasure, embodiment, and the felt. Cumulatively, these works set in motion contradictory assumptions about place: the physical, the historical and the emotional.

As each artist explores within their work an unfolding of hidden narratives contained within place(s), it is imperative to acknowledge how these projects have been created on the the unceded territories of the Squamish (S?wx?w迆7mesh ?xwumixw), Tsleil-Waututh (s?l?ilw??ta??) and Musqueam (x?m?牟k??y??m) Nations. There are no treaties on these lands, and the implication of settler-colonial violence, both visible and hidden, continues today in many different forms of ongoing dispossession. To live and make work within these lands, one must confront and take action against both the historical and continued forms of colonial violence, and their present repercussions.

The exhibition of a graduating project represents the culmination of a candidate's studies, and is presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts. 

Presented with 間眅埶AV Galleries' Audain Gallery.


Workshop: Writing with KickQueen with Ghinwa Yassine
Saturday, December 12 | 2:00 PM 每 4:00 PM | Zoom

This workshop is free but space is limited. Please contact info@ghinwayassine.com to register.

Following a short presentation about her artwork KickQueen, Yassine will lead an embodied writing workshop where participants will be invited to write with and to their own sense memories, in response to gestural and vocal prompts.

Download the Exhibition Brochure

December 12, 2020