

How to Register 2019

June 27 & July 2 5
間眅埶AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
149 West Hastings Street, Vancouver BC

How to Register sessions will be held at the SCA facilities at 間眅埶AV's at 149 W. Hastings Street in Vancouver.

Thursday June 27

10:30 am 12:00 pm: Dance Room 4390

1:30 pm 3:00 pm: Film Cohort Room 4390

3:30 pm 4:30 pm: Film intended Room 4390

6:00 pm 7:00 pm: Open Session Room 4390

Tuesday July 2

2:00 pm: Open Session Room 2205

Wednesday July 3

10:30 am 12:00 pm: Music Room 4390

1:30 pm 3:00 pm: Theatre Performance Room 4390

4:00 pm 5:30 pm: Theatre Production and Design Room 4390

Thursday July 4

10:30 am 12:00 pm: Art Performance and Cinema Studies Room 2205

1:00 pm 2:30 pm: Visual Art Room 2205

2:30 pm 3:30 pm: Optional Visual Art walk to 611 Alexander

6:00 pm 7:00 pm: Open Session Room 2205

Friday July 5

1:00 pm 2:00 pm: Open Session Room 2205

2:30 pm SCA Tour:

We encourage students to come to the session for their area, but there are also some open sessions we know schedules happen.

Students who cannot come in person are invited to "video in" for the first few minutes of the area-specific sessions they are part of to get a chance to meet the rest of the cohort. We dont expect students to stay on-line for the whole thing, but its good to see other peoples faces.

To RSVP, please email: ca@sfu.ca.


June 27, 2019