Dance Area Talk: Caro Novella & Kevin O’Connor

March 12, 2021 | 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM (PST) | ZOOM | FREE

Caro Novella & Kevin O’Connor: Practicing Bodily Relations Otherwise: Improvisation Methods for Engaging Health, Science and Social Justice

Please join us for the fourth in a series of free talks organized by the SCA's Henry Daniel and presented by the SCA's Dance Area.

Caro Novella is a performing artist-researcher and doctoral candidate in Performance Studies at UC Davis, working at the intersection of socially engaged art, dance and improvisation, installation, visual poetry, and performance art. Insisting in movement practices and material textures, her work bundles health and politics and takes form in workshops, community process-based events, performances, site installations, sensory- more than human- explorations, texts and teachings. Creator of oncogrrrls (2011-ongoing), and the multi-species platform co.sensing, we are already silkworms, believes in rehearsal as a space to weave groups through issues that matter.

Kevin O’Connor is a multidisciplinary artist working as a choreographer, dancer, improviser, circus artist and installation artist from Ontario, Canada and now based in the Bay area. He is involved in a decade-long artistic collective exploring participatory de-colonizing performances within polluted watersheds in Ontario. Over the last few years, he has worked with NAKA dance in Oakland, Shakiri and Skywatchers in the Bay Area, Oncogrrrls feminist art collective in Spain, and collaborated with Inuit hunter and designer Paulette Metuq on a project in Nunavut in the Canadian Arctic. He has been learning with the Axis Syllabus community for over a decade and is a biodynamic CranioSacral practitioner. He completed an MFA in choreography and a Ph.D. in Performance Studies at UC Davis. He works at the intersection of arts, sciences, practice-as-research and improvisation theory and practice. His research examines anatomies, body performance capacities, interventions and imaginations in relation to science studies, including the material-bio-cultural tissue called fascia.

Other Events in the Series

Talk: Bill T. Jones
In conversation with Henry Daniel
October 29, 2020 | 12:30 PM | Zoom | FREE

Devi Dee Mucina (University of Victoria)
Performing Black and Indigenous Governance
January 29, 2021 | 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM (PST) | ZOOM | FREE

Webster McDonald (University of Kansas) & Nikoli Attai (University of Toronto)
Gender Roles and Black Performativity in Jamaican Dancehall
February 5, 2021 | 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM (PST) | ZOOM | FREE

March 12, 2021