

Berlin Field School Info Session

Monday, January 24, 2022 | 5:00 PM 6:00 PM | Zoom

Email sabine_bitter@sfu.ca for the Zoom link.

Join Sabine Bitter, the SCA field school director, for an information session about the 2022 Berlin Field School.  

The SCA's Berlin Field School offers a broad introduction to Contemporary Arts in Berlin and their critical and theoretical context. Founded in the 12th century, Berlin has been both shaped and divided by history. Today, it is once again the capital of Germany, and is recognized as a global cultural hub; a city where history is intertwined with artistic intervention and innovation, and where international visual art, theatre, music, dance, and film thrive. Over six-weeks (June 1st July 13th, 2022), a comprehension of the correspondence between the arts and their social, political, and material context will be enriched through simultaneous study, discussion, and experience of art and the urban fabric of this complex city.

For more information and link to the application form, please see the SCA's Berlin Field School page.  

Application Deadline: January 31, 2022

January 24, 2022