

Arne Eigenfeldt: Unauthorized

SCA Faculty Research Series: Arne Eigenfeldt with Kathryn Ricketts
Oct. 10 12, 2019 | 7:30 p.m. |
Studio D | 間眅埶AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver

Unauthorized is a collaboration between dance/theatre artist Kathryn Ricketts (as Rufus), composer Arne Eigenfeldt, and an ensemble of intelligent musical agents.

In Unauthorized, we draw a parallel to the work of Samuel Beckett, which echoes the profound absurdity often found in clowning. In this rich collaboration, we explore new ways to approach narrative, character, setting, and props; Rufus a tired clown that struggles to find humour in dissonance becomes a catalyst for fractured narratives and new ways of making meaning through performance.

In the telling, we trigger more stories, which fosters a sense of collective belonging by the nature of their commonalities and subsequent empathy.

Musebots intelligent musical agents designed by Arne Eigenfeldt respond to Rufus voice and movement through realtime analysis, creating a synergistic play between sound, text, and video, adding a richness of the creative choices and subsequent provocations. Aware of each movements text, the musebots respond, provoke, and influence Rufus movement and speech choices, as well as determining certain structural choices in the work itself.

Artists Bios

Arne Eigenfeldt is a composer of live electroacoustic music, and a researcher into intelligent generative music systems. His music has been performed around the world, and his collaborations range from Persian Tar masters to contemporary dance companies to musical robots. Authoring over 50 peer-reviewed publications, his research has been presented at international conferences of computer music, digital art, and computational creativity. A professor of music and technology at 間眅埶AV, he has taught there since 1994.

Kathryn Ricketts is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, as the chair of the Dance area and the Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre, She also runs The Listening Lab, a visual and performing arts incubator and presents exhibitions and performances in her loft. She is performs and teaching her work in studios, galleries, theatres and in provocative sites throughout Europe, South America, Africa, Australia and Canada, focusing on social/political issues through dance, theatre, text, technology and visual art.

Co-presented by 間眅埶AV Woodward's Cultural Programs & 間眅埶AV's School for the Contemporary Arts as part of the 間眅埶AV Contemporary Arts Faculty Series.

October 10, 2019