

A Dozen Eggs

A Third Year Film Showcase
Friday, April 29, 2022 | 7:00 PM | FREE
Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema, 間眅埶AV Goldcorp Center for the Arts, 149 West Hastings Street, Vancouver

Please join us for an evening of new films by Third Year SCA filmmakers.

With films by Clementine Bardonner, Amanda Blake, Sydney Bunning, Bianca Rose Cheung, Kim Cleroux, Ricardo Gutierrez, Rio Huenemann, Audrey Kerridge, Kevin Kim, Matilda Lauze, Ayana Madi, Gabriel Ordo簽ez-Cifuentes, Am矇lia Simard, Taya Van Dyke, and Vicente Villarroel

AWAKE IN A DREAM (Dir. Sydney Bunning)
When a young woman with a verity of sleep related mental ailments begins to suffer from strange dreams, she finds her sense of reality slipping. Can she uncover the meaning behind these dreams before it is too late?  

A Very Bimbo Christmas (Dir. Matilda Lauze / Producer Vicente Villarroel)
Four young witches are visited by an unlikely guest on a cold Christmas night and are determined to make it a feast. When each witch dies tragically in the course of cooking the turkey feast, they are awakened by another unwelcome guest.   

DESPLAZADO (Dir. Gabriel Ordo簽ez-Cifuentes)
After escaping from a war-torn Colombia, a refugee reminisces about his older life, through old VHS recordings.

From Strangers To Soulmates (Dir. Ayana Madi)
Through an interview we get to know what people think about soulmates. As we dive into their stories, interviews will flow into animation to show how different and wonderful each point of view is.

GUBER DRIVER (Dir. Audrey Kerridge / Kim Cleroux)
Pamela, a feisty single mom, comes home from a night out only to realize that she left her phone in the back of a Guber. Accompanied by her daughter Devan, they set out to track down the missing phone, which proves to be much more difficult than they had initially anticipated.

I Heart Dina (Dir. Amanda Blake)
Through sentimental items and rituals, this documentary explores the lifes journey of my Nonna, Dina Ramponi, an Italian-Canadian immigrant who came to Canada in the 1960s. Themes of fossilized culture, lifes lessons, and threads of memory are explored in an attempt to probe two central questions: what series of events led her to this place in time and how her perspective on lifes greatest joys have influenced her.

Justifiable Larceny (Dir. Rio Huenemann)
Together with his newfound accomplice, a first-time criminal has to evade discovery while robbing an apartment. In the process they find something magical in their shared hatred of the tenant.

Ricardo and Jaden present: The League (Dir. Ricardo Gutierrez)
After being inspired by his friend and the band they are forming together, Ricardo attempts to fully create a song on his own for the first time.

Runaways (Dir. Kevin Kim)
Andrew is the father of a low-income family who resorts to robbery to support his family. While on the run for his crime, he comes across Ted, a young child whos run away from his home due to domestic abuse. The film follows the growth of their unexpected relationship together.

Synthetic Desire (Dir. Bianca Rose Cheung)
An unspoken separation is brewing between Casey and Toby, leaving Casey to fulfil his needs through an experimental VR Game. After replicating Toby's likeness in the game, will Casey's void be filled or will this have unseen consequences for their future?

The House of Her (Dir. Clementine Bardonner)
Do I love her like a friend, or do I love her more than that? The film explores the transient boundaries between queer friendships and queer romance.

The Sum Of Our Parts (Dir. Taya Van Dyke / Am矇lia Simard Co-writer and DP)
Two little robots from outer space have their friendship put to the test as they explore earth for the first time in a brand new musical!


April 29, 2022