

Congratulations to Psychology's recipients of the SSHRC Insight Development Grants

March 13, 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Hali Kil and Dr. Yuthika Girme, who received the 2024 Grants.

The SSHRC Insight Development Grants support the initial stages of research and facilitate the exploration of emerging research inquiries, as well as the experimentation with innovative methodologies, theoretical perspectives, and conceptual frameworks.

Read more about their research grants below: 

Dr. Hali Kil 

When and for whom do parent-child acculturation gaps inhibit family and child flourishing? The role of acculturation-related cognitions

Children of immigrant families typically adjust to Canadian culture faster than their parents, in many cases creating misalignment of values and beliefs between generations. In this project, we aim to understand for whom and when having such a misalignment may result in positive or negative outcomes for immigrant families. Findings from this project will provide novel insights on how to best address family challenges as immigrants adjust to their new home country.

Dr. Yuthika Girme 

"We're in Sync!" Examining Parents' Behavioral Synchrony During Family Interactions

Dr. Girme’s SSHRC Insight Development Grant will extend her research program on single and coupled people to examine family dynamics. Dr. Girme’s grant will support research that will bring in couples with young children into the lab and examine how couples work through relationship and parenting challenges in order to foster secure and satisfying family relationships. Follow the @securelab.sfu for more updates!
