
Hali Kil

Assistant Professor

Areas of interest


Research Interests 

Parenting, parent-child relationships, mindfulness, multicultural families, intercultural relations, meta-analyses, systematic reviews

Selected Publications 

* denotes supervised student co-authors

Kil, H., Robichaud, J.-M., & Mageau, G. A. (2022). Trajectories of coparenting quality in ethnically diverse and interethnic parents. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Online first publication. 

Kil, H., *Lee, E., *Antonacci, R., & Grusec, J. E. (2022). Mindful parents, mindful children? Exploring the role of mindful parenting. Parenting. Online first publication. 

Kil, H., *Taing, J., & Mageau, G. (2021). Interethnic parenting experiences in raising mixed-ethnicity children: A systematic qualitative review. International Journal of Intercultural Relations85, 47-68. 

Kil, H., *Antonacci, R., *Shukla, S., & *DeLuca, A. (2021). Mindfulness and parenting: A meta-analysis and exploratory meta-mediation on child outcomes. Mindfulness, 12(11), 2593-2612. 

Kil, H., Aitken, M., Henry, S., Hoxha, O., Rodak, T., Bennett, K., & Andrade, B. F. (2021). Transdiagnostic associations between parental attributions, child behavior and treatment: A systematic review. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 24, 267-293. 

Kil, H. & Grusec, J. E. (2020). Links among mothers’ dispositional mindfulness, stress, perspective-taking, and mother-child interactions. Mindfulness11 (7), 1710-1722. 

Kil, H., Grusec, J. E., & Chaparro, M. P. (2018). Maternal disclosure and adolescent prosocial behavior: The mediating roles of adolescent disclosure and coping. Social Development27(3), 652-664.