
12 labs, 56 lab members, and 13 PSU, BNSS, and undergraduate Psychology student volunteers were present at Psychology Research Lab Fair 2022. An average of 56 students visited each table.

Thank you to all attendees and volunteers! We hope to see you again at the next Research Lab Fair!



The All Families Lab will be presenting ongoing research on parenting, mindfulness, and cultural factors related to family functioning. They are actively recruiting volunteer research assistants during the lab fair.


The Autism & Developmental Disabilities Lab researches Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and other Developmental Disabilities.


The Children's Memory Research Group will be there to discuss our research and answer questions from students about what we do. We focus on a wide range of topics including children's memory for repeated events, child witnesses, witness memory, perceived credibility, and cognitive biases.

The Close Relationships Lab studies how romantic relationships change over time and how people can have satisfying and healthy romantic relationships. This lab currently focusing on the experiences of people in ethically non-monogamous relationships (e.g., polyamory, open, or swinging) to learn how they may succeed despite the challenges of stigma from dominant hetero- mono-normative society.

The CLOSER Lab will be presenting their latest work in the domains of relationship and singlehood studies.

The CORTECH Lab studies the psychosocial determinants of health after concussion across the lifespan (adolescents and adults) and use these insights to develop accessible behavioural interventions for those with persistent symptoms. Their work includes theory development and iterative intervention design. Iterative intervention design (e.g., patient partner co-design, pilot testing, feasibility testing, efficacy testing) ensures broader reach, translation, and implementation of this work into clinical care.

The Culture and Development lab in the Psychology Department at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV aims to understand how the human mind learns and communicates. They do this as a team of researchers, led by Dr. Tanya Broesch, investigating human social learning and attachment across cultures. This lab works very closely with communities on Tanna Island, Vanuatu as they examine family and community life. They also work with their incredible colleagues around the world to better understand how children develop in diverse social and ecological contexts. Their objectives are to 1) expand our knowledge of human development beyond an urban, Western context; 2) expand the participant pool by studying children in diverse context; 3) encourage (and provide models) social scientists to do community-engaged participatory science.



Dr. Aknin's Social Psychology Lab investigates what types of behaviours, people, and places promote connection, kindness, and well-being. Their station will be collecting data for an ongoing research study.



The Human Electrophysiology Lab will be presenting their use of noninvasive measures of brain activity to investigate perception, attention, memory, and the interactions between different sensory modalities. They will also showcase equipment used to record EEG will be on display. 

The Sustainability, Identity, & Social Change Lab will be presenting research on environmental activism, climate change and imagining a sustainable world. 


The Translational Neuroscience lab uses touchscreen-based cognitive testing in mice and humans to try and understand how sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances contribute to the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease.


The Vision Lab will be presenting research on change detection using the Flicker Task. Students will be able to try out Flicker Task examples for themselves