
fass news

Dr. Diana Lim Awarded 2024 Barry Beyerstein Award for Excellence in Teaching

July 10, 2024

Dr. Diana Lim is the recipient of the 2024 Barry Beyerstein Award for Excellence in Teaching. Based on student nominations, this award is given annually to recognize excellent teaching of regular faculty. Within the department, Lim has taught PSYC 100, 102, 201W and 383.

Student feedback highlighted Lim's dedication to ensuring a smooth transition to remote learning during the start of the pandemic.

She put a lot of time and care into organizing the class so that it remained manageable for students who have been struggling with the transition to online classes, while making sure the content still challenged students and kept them engaged, one student writes.

Lims well-structured and engaging teaching style continues to make a deep impression on her students, inspiring them to continue pursuing psychology.

As one student says, Dr. Lim broke down difficult concepts and made them easy to learn, which allowed me to grasp the foundations of psychology and further motivated me to learn more. She brought the subject matter to life, making each lecture thought-provoking and relatable.

Lim's infectious enthusiasm for the material she teaches and dedication to her students is exemplified by the Barry Beyerstein Award for Excellence in Teaching. In the words of one nominator, She probably does not realize how much she helped me. From my perspective, the least I could do for her is help her recognize that she is making a difference in students journeys.
