
Adele Quigley-McBride

Assistant Professor

Areas of interest

Law and Forensic

Research Interests

Psychology and Law; Decision-Making and Judgments; Forensic Evidence; Eyewitness Identification; Face Recognition; Memory; Plea Bargaining.

Selected Publications

Quigley-McBride, A., & Wells, G.L. (2023). Eyewitness confidence and decision time reflects identification accuracy in actual police lineups. Law and Human Behavior.

Sweet, D., Quigley-McBride, A., & Meissner, C.A. (2023). Perceptions of movement patterns and concealment detection in na簿ve observers and law enforcement officers: A Lens Model Analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior.

Marcon Zabecki, J., QuigleyMcBride, A., & Meissner, C. A. (2022) Information loss, contextual information, and distinctiveness influence how well novice analysts discriminate fingerprints. Applied Cognitive Psychology.

Garrett, B.L., Crozier, W., Gifford, E.J., Grodensky, C., Quigley-McBride, A., & Teitcher, J. (2023). Open Prosecution. Stanford Law Review.

Quigley-McBride, A., Crozier, W., Dodson, C.S., Teitcher, J., & Garrett, B.L. (2022). Face value? How jurors evaluate eyewitness face recognition ability. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

Hudacheck, L. & Quigley-McBride, A. (2022). Juror perceptions of opposing expert forensic psychologists: Pre-existing attitudes confirmation bias, and belief perseverance. Psychology, Public Policy and Law.

Quigley-McBride, A., Dror, I.E., Roy, T., Garrett, B.L., & Kukucka, J. (2022). A practical tool for information management in forensic decisions: Using Linear Sequential Unmasking-Expanded (LSU-E) in casework. FSI: Synergy.

Quigley-McBride, A. (2020). Practical solutions to forensic contextual bias. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie.

Smith, A., Wilford, M.M., Quigley-McBride, A., & Wells, G.L. (2019). Mistaken eyewitness identification rates increase when either witnessing or testing condition get worse. Law and Human Behavior.

Quigley-McBride, A. & Wells, G.L. (2018). Fillers can help control for contextual bias in forensic comparison tasks. Law and Human Behavior.

Wells, G.L., & Quigley-McBride, A. (2016). Applying eyewitness identification research to the legal system: A glance at where we have been and where we could go. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.