
Timothy Racine

Professor | Department Chair

Areas of interest

History, Quantitative & Theoretical (primary), Developmental

Research Interests

The philosophy of psychology, the use of evolutionary theory in psychology, developmental theory.

Selected Publications

Racine, T. P. (in press). Clarifying the use of Theodosius Dobzhansky's and E. O. Wilson's evolutionary maxims: A guide for psychologists. New Idea in Psychology.

Racine, T. P. (in press). The implications of the cultural evolution of heritability for evolutionary psychology: Commentary on Uchiyama. Behavioral & Brain Sciences.

Racine, T. P. (in press). The rhetorical use of B. F. Skinner in evolutionary psychology. Theory & Psychology.

Racine, T. P. (2020). Wittgenstein as method. Theory & Psychology, 30(4), 609-611.

Racine, T. P. (2019). Institutions, ontogenesis and evolutionary metatheory: Commentary on Packer and Cole. Human Development62, 212-218.

Racine, T. P. (2018). Affect, modularity, and evolutionary psychology. Human Development61(6), 376-380.

Racine, T. P. (2018). An adaptationist perspective on animal suicide: Commentary on Peña-Guzmán. Animal Sentience: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal Feeling2(20), 103 (1-3).

Tafreshi, D., Khalil, N., & Racine, T. P. (2018). A qualitative person-oriented inquiry into women’s perspectives on knowledge and knowing. Human Development61(6), 337-362.

Maguire, K. Q., & Racine, T. P. (2017). What does evolutionary theory add to stereotype theory in the explanation of attractiveness bias? Commentary on Maestripieri. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 40(e19), 30-31.

Racine, T. P. (2017). The case for pragmatism in evolutionary and developmental systems explanation. Human Development, Letters to the Editor: March 1, 2017, 1-17.