


Continuing an ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Legacy: Emma's Story

June 14, 2024

Emma Tuck's journey through the Faculty of Education at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV (¶¡ÏãÔ°AV) is a story of inspiration, perseverance, and dedication rooted in her family's legacy. Her mother's positive experiences and achievements at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV significantly influenced Emma's decision to follow in her footsteps. 

"Throughout my life, my mom has frequently recounted her time at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Her stories and mementos connected me to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV long before I considered my post-secondary options. She has always been enormously proud to be an ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV alumnus; this inspired me as a place where I, too, could thrive," Emma shares. 

Emma's passion for education began early. She worked in childcare and volunteered in elementary school classrooms, where she witnessed firsthand the impact of education on children’s lives. These experiences motivated her to pursue teaching. 

Academic Challenges and Triumphs 

One of Emma’s most rewarding yet challenging projects during her Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) was in EDUC 466: Early Childhood Education, where she created a comprehensive curriculum design resource portfolio. "It was a massive undertaking but incredibly rewarding. I dived into a subject I'm passionate about, enhanced my research skills, and created my educational resources," she recalls. This project deepened her understanding of curriculum design and gave her a profound sense of accomplishment. 

The support from her peers was instrumental in Emma's academic success. "Our shared experiences helped to alleviate stress and pressure, and having someone to lean on made a world of difference," she shares. 

Personal Growth and Professional Development 

Balancing academic and personal life was a recurring challenge for Emma. "I can be pretty intense when it comes to my studies, so it can be hard for me to prioritize self-care and activities I enjoy," she admits. Over time, Emma learned to manage her time more effectively, avoiding burnout and maintaining a healthier balance. 

The BGS program allowed Emma to explore various facets of education and fostered her personal and professional growth. "I feel that my self-reflection capabilities have grown immensely, which has been helpful on several levels," she explains. Emma also developed crucial skills in communication and collaboration through group projects, writing papers, and Canvas discussion boards. The program also gave her a solid foundation in educational theories and practices, which she plans to apply in her future teaching career. 

"Several people positively influenced me, but if I could thank two people, it would be my advisor, Sarah Lison, and one of my former professors, Dr. Cary Campbell. Sarah always went above and beyond to help me (and even answered questions that were not necessarily in her wheelhouse!). From course planning to navigating hiccups, Sarah was there every step of the way, and I genuinely cannot thank her enough for all her support.

Cary was incredibly supportive in the three courses I took with him; it was in these courses that I found myself most able to venture outside of my comfort zone and grow in diverse ways. He encouraged critical and creative thinking, crucial for my development. 

I am very thankful for their support and encouragement throughout my journey at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV."

Achieving Recognition 

Emma's hard work and dedication will be recognized at the Convocation Ceremony on June 14 with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Undergraduate Convocation Medal. "Receiving the Convocation Medal feels totally surreal! It is both a humbling and honouring recognition. I am filled with gratitude and excitement as I reflect on the experiences and growth that led me to this moment," she expresses. Sharing the news first with her mother, who had always been her biggest supporter, made the accomplishment even more meaningful. 

Looking Ahead 

Emma's journey at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV continues this fall in the Professional Development Program (PDP). "I can't wait to get into the practical side of teaching and apply what I've learned in a real-world context," she says. She is particularly interested in student-centred and social-emotional learning (SEL). "My goal is to create a nurturing learning environment that meets the diverse needs of my students while ensuring they become compassionate and respectful humans," she adds. 

Advice to Students 

Emma advises prospective and current students to refine their time management skills early on, balance academic and personal life, and not be afraid to ask questions. "University is a time for growth and exploration. Being open to new experiences will enrich your university experience and prepare you for future challenges," she advises. 

Emma Tuck's journey at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is a testament to the power of inspiration, dedication, and the enduring influence of family legacy. As she continues her education journey, Emma remains committed to making a positive difference in the lives of her future students.

Start your education journey with the Faculty of Education. Explore the Bachelor of General Studies to gain a foundational understanding of education theory, research, and practice. Or dive deeper after your undergraduate degree into our flagship teacher education program – the Professional Development Program.
