
International Teacher Education Module (ITEM) Award

The Ian Andrews and Renate Doege Memorial International Teacher Education Module (ITEM) Award at the Faculty of Education provides opportunities for students to gain international teaching experience. Understanding and being sensitive to the learning needs of people from different cultures and values is critical, as teachers in Canada work with students from diverse ethnic, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Application Deadline:

September 6, 2024


Enrolled ITEM students

How to Apply:

Email all application documents to: pps_teacher_education@sfu.ca

One award, valued at $1,100, will be granted annually in any term to students who meet the following criteria:

  • Are enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Education's Professional Development Program (PDP); and accepted into ITEM;
  • Demonstrated commitment to teaching and learning from people of different cultures; and
  • Is in good academic standing.

Additional Award for Students Enrolled for Fall 2023

view award


Applications must include:

  • A letter of intent outlining the candidate's commitment and interest in international education, and teaching and learning from people of different cultures; and
  • One letter of reference attesting to this commitment and interest.


Award recipients will be expected to share their experiences with multiple audiences including donors. Award recipients must be prepared to:

  • Write a thank-you letter to the donor or meet with the donor to share his/her experience;
  • Where appropriate, take photos or videos during the placement, which can be used for the website, social media or marketing;
  • Help in the promotion of the award to future applicants, such as speaking to students during orientation or application information sessions.

"The generous Ian Andrew and Renate Doege Bursary Award is empowering me to be able to develop valuable teaching skills and life skills that I will be able to share with my future Canadian students." 

Leonie, 2017 award recipient

"The Award meant I had the financial support to explore a new paradigm of schooling and learning in Oaxaca. The perspectives I gained are invaluable. I left with an expanded idea of what it means to create a space for learning outside my cultural, social and linguistic context."

Jannika, 2018 award recipient