
Cary Campbell

Faculty of Education


Dr. Cary Campbell, Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at 間眅埶AV, is an educational theorist and researcher, music educator and community organizer. Cary completed his SSHRC funded PhD in Arts Education at 間眅埶AV in 2020. He has worked as a music educator, ensemble director and performing/recording musician for over a decade, also holding a Bachelors of Music (2013). Cary is a member of the Online Learning Hub in the Faculty committed to cultivating and supporting rich, online learning experiences and also teaches upper-level, undergraduate music education courses.

Informed by biosemiotic, post-digital and post-humanist theory as well as place/Land-based pedagogy, his research addresses the nexus of educational problems posed by mass digitization, climate change and the broader challenges of cultivating place-connectedness in todays globalized and hyper-capitalist society. Furthermore, Cary is a performing and recording musician interested in music learning and cognition research and committed to creative music pedagogy as well as inventive arts-based research/inquiry generally (such as critical cartography and sound-informed qualitative research methods).

Through his ongoing work as Director of Research for the BC Society , Cary collaborates with teachers, artists and community members to create curriculum resources and digital tools that connect people and students with their own localities, communities and public spaces. Additionally, Cary has held several scholarly and literary editorial positions, currently working as an associate editor with the , and editor of the CS. Peirce Section of the international (De Gruyter) journal .

Awards and Scholarships

  • Fund for International Research in Education (FIRE; Internal 間眅埶AV Grant), (2023).
    Proposal: Transdisciplinary Pathways in Higher Education Research and Education
  • SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Doctoral Scholarship (2020)
  • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship:
    Proposal: Educating through semiosis: conceptualizing the learning process as edusemiotics with young music learners (2016-2020)
  • DORA International Visiting Scholar Award, Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu, Estonia (2019)

Teaching Highlights and Curriculum Resources:

Selected Publications

See: , for a full list of publications and citations.

  • Campbell, C., & Olteanu, A. (2023). , 1-23.
  • Campbell, C. (2023). : meaningful environmental education, beyond the info dump. Journal of Philosophy of Education, qhad020.
  • Campbell, C., & Lilburn, T. (2023). . Journal of Contemplative and Holistic Education, 1(2), 6.
  • Bai, H., Scott, C., Campbell, C. L., & Patel, J. (2023). EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION: Contemplative and Holistic Education as Inside-Out Work for Healing, Peace, Justice, and Equity. Journal of Contemplative and Holistic Education, 1(2), 11.
  • Campbell, C. (2022). Biosemiotics, 15(3), 469-481.
  • Campbell, C., Lackovi, N., & Olteanu, A. (2021). Philosophies, 6(1), 14.
  • Campbell, Cary (Ed.). "Peirce and learning theory: Special section introduction" Chinese Semiotic Studies, 17(1), 2021, 143-152. .
  • Campbell, C., Olteanu, A., & Kull, K. (2019). Sign systems studies, 47(3/4), 352-381.
  • Campbell, C. (2019). Educating semiosis: Foundational concepts for an ecological edusemiotic. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 38, 291-317.
  • Campbell, C. (2018). In search of our beginnings: Locating firstness in arts education in the service of advocacy. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 19(13).
  • Campbell, C. (2018). Returning learning to education: Toward an ecological conception of learning and teaching. 峉庢弮庰庣庥峸-Sign Systems Studies, 46(4), 538-568.
  • Campbell, C. (2018). Signs and Society, 6(2), 305-331.
  • Olteanu, A., & Campbell, C. (2018). A short introduction to edusemiotics. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 14(2), 245-260.
  • Campbell, C. (2017). Learning that reflects the living: Aligning anticipation and edusemiotics. Public Journal of Semiotics, 8(1), 1-25.
  • Campbell, C. (2016). Indexical ways of knowing: An inquiry into the indexical sign and how to educate for novelty. Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 24(1), 15-36.



Future courses may be subject to change.