


Method of delivery:
Applications open:
(TBC) October 1, 2024
Applications close:
(TBC) January 31, 2025
Next start date:
(TBC) September 2025

Now youve submitted your application and all the required documentation, whats next?


  • Application deadline is January 31
  • Short-listed applicants contacted for interviews in March
  • 間眅埶AV decisions are sent March/April
  • Program starts in September


Your application goes through a five-step evaluation process:

Step 1: Wait for all transcripts to arrive

After applications are submitted online, they may not advance to the next stage of the evaluation process until all transcripts are received by the PPS 間眅埶AVs office.

Step 2: Check for minimum academic requirements

A member of the PPS 間眅埶AVs team reviews your application to:

  • Calculate the GPA for the last 60 credits
  • Determine whether you will meet the minimal academic requirements for the subject(s) you wish to teach

Applicants who have applied in more than one subject area may be eligible in one and not in the other. You will only be considered in later stages for those areas in which you meet all the minimum requirements. You will be considered ineligible for the others.

Only those applicants that meet the minimum requirements in at least one subject area will be passed on to the reviewing stage. 

The process of checking academic requirements is time consuming. To speed up the overall reviewing process, applications are released in waves from requirement checking into reviewing.  This means that decisions on some applications are made earlier than for others.

Step 3: Contact shortlisted candidates to arrange interview

Based on evaluated application package, potentially suitable candidates for AHCOTE will be invited for an interview with the 間眅埶AVs Committee. the interview allows the 間眅埶AVs Committee to learn more about you and determine your candidacy for AHCOTE. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for an interview. The interview does not guarantee an offer of admission to AHCOTE.

Step 4: Inform applicants of the decisions in email

  • You will be informed about your admission status by an email from the PPS 間眅埶AVs office by end of April.
  • Applicants who are waitlisted or not accepted into the program have the opportunity to meet with the Coordinator, 間眅埶AVs and Recruitment to discuss their admission decision.


If you have questions about AHCOTE not covered on our website, contact our admissions team.

間眅埶AVs email: pps_admissions@sfu.ca

To prevent missing emails from us, add pps_admissions@sfu.ca to your contact list if you are not using an 間眅埶AV email account.

Virtual Hours

Get help with your application and connect with a member of the admissions team during our virtual drop-in hours: every Wednesday from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (PST).**

Meet on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 660 0788 5834
Password: 833520
Regular Schedule: Wednesday, 3:00 pm - 4:00 p.m. (PST)

**Regularly scheduled time slot subject to change or cancellation without notice