
Announcements, News, Faculty and Research

2021 Faculty and Staff Award Recipients

January 04, 2022

Congratulations to our 2021 Faculty and Staff award recipients!

Faculty of Education Lifetime Achievement Award

The purpose of the this award is to recognize and honour a faculty or staff member who has made a difference in the faculty. This award provides special recognition to an individual who through their actions and contributions has provided dedicated and outstanding service over a sustained period of time and had a significant impact on faculty, staff and students.

2021 Recipient: Devi Pabla

Devi Pabla started work at 間眅埶AV in 1981, starting in Kinesiology in a position on grant funding, then coming to the Faculty of Education into the Word Processing department. She then moved into her position as Secretary to the Associate Dean, Academic in 2004, where she has been ever since. Devi is well known for her friendly demeanour and accurate work with an astute attention to detail. She will leave behind a legacy of achievement and work ethic that will always be part of the Faculty of Education.

Dean of Education Distinguished Service Award: Work Performance Award

This staff award recognizes exceptional performance that is consistently above and beyond the call of duty, and also recognizes efficiency and professionalism in serving faculty or students. 

2021 Recipient: Christine Holoboff

For many years, Christine Holoboff has been involved with the maintenance of the Faculty's FileMaker databases. These databases have been been shut down, and we have converted to the use of the eTRACS system. The development of eTRACS has been a few years in the making. Christine has always been referred to as the TTR (Teaching/Research) database expert, maintaining the faculty members teaching/research balance and recording various leaves and exceptions. This expertise has now been transferred into being the go-to expert for the eTRACS system.

Team Building Award

This award recognizes a staff or faculty member who demonstrates great effort to boost camaraderie amongst their colleagues by working to create a sense of community, collegiality, unity and fun. The nominee should demonstrate some or all of the following characteristics: enthusiasm and initiative with the goal of boosting morale and a sense of camaraderie amongst colleagues; extraordinary collegiality with other staff and faculty in Education, other 間眅埶AV departments, students, and external contacts; exemplary effort to champion the goal of community building within our Faculty.

2021 Recipient: Sarine Sadhra

In nominating Sarine for this award, the individuals wished to honour the amazing contributions Sarine has made as the Program Coordinator of the EDUC 400 semester in Professional Programs over the past four years. Her kindness and care, her devotion to the profession of teaching, and her often-understated sense of humour have helped not only to build community within the larger Preservice Professional Studies community, but have also helped her to guide Faculty Associate teams and the EDUC 400 IT through some difficult times. Sarine is someone we can always go to talk through challenging situations, and we know we will come out of the conversation better able to deal with whatever is happening. She never takes sides in difficult conversations, but gently nudges all parties to see the others perspective , and to see and bring out the best in each other.

Award for Excellence in Scholarly Teaching

This award recognizes and showcases excellence in scholarly teaching among faculty members, faculty associates and instructors in the Faculty of Education.

2021 Recipient: Dr. Robert Williamson

Among a very large number of very positive student evaluations, what students wrote about Dr. Robert Williamson stood out. Often repeated were the words great and fantastic to describe him, which were accompanied with descriptions of the course as very demanding and requiring a huge amount of work, as well as the most meaningful and impactful classes I have taken at 間眅埶AV. What is apparent is Dr. Williamsons care of his students and his willingness to accommodate special circumstances in supporting student learning. The scholarly nature of Dr. Williamsons teaching is evident in combining engagement with scholarly literature with experiential work. He found creative ways to engage students in work that models approximation of practice. One student wrote, Dr. Williamson is an exemplar of what a teacher should be.

Award for Excellence in the Supervision of a Graduate Student Thesis

This award recognizes and showcases excellence in graduate student supervision among tenure-track faculty members in the Faculty of Education.

2021 Recipient: Dr. Heesoon Bai

The external examiners report submitted for Dr. Heesoon Bai's graduate student David Chang, reflects Dr. Bais dedication and support as a Senior Supervisor. Dr. Bai significantly contributes to creating the conditions under which dissertations such as this one can be produced, and she does this while carrying the highest supervisory load of anyone in the Faculty of Education. Dr. Bai is very deserving of being recognized for her exemplary supervision with this award.

Distinguished Contributions to Scholarship in Education

This award recognizes and showcases distinguished contributions to scholarship made by faculty members in the Faculty of Education. Nominees should have a demonstrated and sustained record of distinguished, exemplary accomplishments in their scholarly or creative work and/or innovation relative to their rank and stage of their career.

2021 Recipient: Dr. Alanaise Ferguson

The nominees felt privileged to work with a colleague such as Dr. Alanaise Ferguson and are filled with respect and gratitude for the integrity with which she engages in community-based research as an Indigenous scholar and practitioner embedded in a colonial institution. In her work, both as a researcher and practicing psychologist, Dr. Ferguson has been at the forefront of changing the field of Psychology by Indigenizing the way Counselling Psychology is taught and practised. Dr. Ferguson describes her research as building new narratives of the St籀:lo land through implementing land-based resiliency in First Nations youth. Its significance, value and quality is evidenced in part by an invitation to give the Presidents Faculty Lecture St籀:lo Shxweli and Resilience. We raise our hands to Dr. Ferguson.

Members of the Awards Committee, 2021

Dr. Roger Frie, Dr. Rina Zazkis, Celeste Hambleton, Alana Nordstand, Livia Poljak, Dr. Natalia Gajdamaschko (Chair)
