
Course Material & Logistical Resources

Book Orders

Please provide the following information for book orders:

  • author
  • title
  • publisher
  • year edition 
  • ISBN. Please make sure the  13-digit ISBN international standard book number is included as it is now a necessary part of our book orders. The bookstore will not accept orders without it.

Ensure the books on the requisition are listed in priority order (required, recommended, study aid). The books are ordered with emphasis on the first request.

Please note that only a limited number of "recommended texts" are ordered. The bookstore will order the number of required texts equal to the maximum enrollment in your course. The instructor is responsible for ordering the required number of desk copies directly from the publisher. Make your request to the publisher in writing on university letterhead, stating the course number and the maximum enrollment expected.

Please provide information for your book orders to edugpa@sfu.ca at least six weeks before the start of the semester.

If possible, when choosing your texts, check with the publisher to ensure the texts you are using are still in print. This will alleviate problems and last-minute substitutions. Please telephone the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV bookstore (778.782.3656) for information or visit the list of on the Bookstore website.

Library Reserves

Library reserves are an excellent means of providing students with materials, both articles and books. Please fill out the requisition for reserve books, paying special attention to the Loan Period - 2 hours, 4 hours, 24 hours, or 3 days. The ibrary requires the same basic information as the bookstore: author, title, ISBN numbers, publisher, etc.


Desk Copies

Please note that it is the responsibility of the instructor to order the required number of desk copies directly from the publisher.

Custom Courseware

Custom Courseware is printed material written, or specifically chosen, by faculty members for use in an ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV course and produced "in-house" by the bookstore. It may contain photocopies of chapters of textbooks, case studies, articles from journals, etc.

For information contact the Custom Courseware Department at 778-782-5533 or email courseware@sfu.ca.

Additional information can be found on the .

The bookstore will obtain copyright authorization for you, then print and bind copies to sell to your students at cost. Courseware can be in addition or an alternative to textbooks. We encourage you to consider this option.


Due to substantial increases in costs for course duplicating, and a reduction in the faculty budget, only the first 30 pages of photocopied material are free for students for each course. Any photocopies over 30 will be charged to students, at 10 cents per page. Instructors are responsible for ensuring that these charges are collected and submitted to Undergraduate Programs.

Photocopiers on campus have a scanning function for transmitting documents as electronic files. Pdf, Tiff, and Xps files can be sent from photocopiers to your email address.

Information on Canadian copyright law and on permitted use of copyright materials at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV can be found .

By using custom courseware, electronic files and/or a course website (i.e., Canvas), you can alleviate the need to collect money from your students for photocopied material.

You will be given access to a photocopier. This is for the odd copies that you might need to make.

The following applies to current faculty members. Information regarding Sessional Instructor, TAs, access will be emailed later.

RICOH photocopiers require security key fob with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Print (printing/scanning/copying) or ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV ID or a self-generated pin number with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Print.

For printer setup, you can come visit the tech staff in the Research Hub (EDB 8513). Please make sure you have plenty of time for this set up as it may take at least 10-15 minutes. View online instructions.


Travel and Expense instructions reflect the Chart of Accounts for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

All expenses should be pre-authorized by Undergraduate Programs. If you have a receipt for expenses, you must submit an online payment form. Please scan your receipts, name the file in a way that makes sense to you and save it to your computer. Multiple receipts can be grouped into one file. The best file type for upload is PDF. Other acceptable file formats are BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF and TIFF.

The Faculty of Education uses Workflow online approvals. For more information, please refer to the Finance website ("Create an Expense Report- all other funds").

Expense report instructions
  1. Go to
  2. Click on Main Menu-> Employee Self-Service-> Travel and Expenses - click on Expense Reports
  3. Click on Create/Modify - Fill in Employee ID number, click Add
  4. Business Purpose - "c. Business & Travel Expenses" for gift card purchase or TA textbook reimbursement. Please do not choose "e. Invited Speakers Expenses" as it does not populate correct expense type in the instruction below.
  5. Default Accounting for Report:
    • Fund 11
    • Dept 3520
    • Program 90150
    • Click "Apply"
  6. Reason for Expenses e.g., Invited guest speaker for EDUC xxx (Be sure to include the guest speaker's name)- Add Notes - OK
  7. Under Expenses, enter:
    • Date: Click on the calendar icon to choose a date
    • Expense Type - e.g., Materials and Lab Supplies (use this line item for expensing gift cards & TA textbook reimbursement)
    • Description of the expense: e.g., EDUC 4xx guest speaker
    • Amount - $xx.xx
  8. Click "Save for Later". Save often to avoid data lost.
  9. Prepare to upload the scanned receipt files. Attach your scanned receipts by clicking on the "Attachment" link.
    • Expense Report Attachments
    • Click "Add Attachment". Browse the file in your computer and click "upload".
    • Put in Description of the file
    • Click "OK"
  10. When ready to submit expense claim, click "summary and submit" for online approvals.
  11. There is no need to print and submit paper expense claim and receipts. Please keep all your original receipts in case of auditing purposes. The expense claim will route to reviewer and approver online. Once it is approved, the payment will be direct deposited into your account.


Please find a list of relevant ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV policies and policy numbers below. Please note that this list may not cover every situation that arises when instructing a course. All ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV policies can be viewed in full on the university’s Policy Gazette webpage.


  • Code of Faculty Ethics and Responsibilities (A 30.01)
  • Code of Academic Integrity and Good Conduct (S 10.01)
  • Principles and Procedures for Student Discipline (S 10.02)
  • University Board on Student Discipline, Senate Committee on Disciplinary Appeals ("SCODA") (S 10.03)
  • Grading and the Reconsideration of Grades (T 20.01)
  • Final Examinations (T 20.02)
  • Retention and Disposal of Student Exams or Assignments (I 10.09)
  • Working Alone or in Isolation (GP 39)
  • Disability Accommodation in the Workplace (GP 40)
  • Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Participants (R 20.01)
  • Protection of Privacy (I 10.11)