

Support for Hazel Trembath Elementary School

October 17, 2023

The following message is on behalf of Dan Laitsch, Dean:

As you all know, Hazel Trembath Elementary School in Port Coquitlam was destroyed by a fire that started in the early hours of Saturday, October 14. While no one was injured, the loss to the community is immeasurable.

Hazel Trembath serves more than 200 students and prides itself on being an environmentally and socially responsible school. Over the years, the school has accepted and mentored many 間眅埶AV student teachers. Dave Phelan, the school principal, is a former PDP faculty associate, and we used to house the Coquitlam module in the school.

Members of our community have asked about how they might support the school. If you would like to contribute to the Hazel Trembath Elementary fund, you can do so .

As Patricia Gartland, SD43 Superintendent/CEO noted in her message: Dealing with this event will not be easy for the students, staff, and community of Hazel Trembath, but with support, they will continue to thrive, and they will overcome this loss.

Thank you for your consideration,

Dan Laitsch, Dean 

Photos courtesy of Kim and Matt Peterson. 
